Add Subtitles to Video

Add Subtitles to Video

Looking for an easy way to add subtitles to videos? You’re in the right place! Podcastle is the perfect subtitle creator for audio and video creators. Convert audio to text easily and accurately and get subtitles for videos in no time!
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Add Subtitles to Video

How to Add Subtitles to a Video?

Here is how to generate podcast transcription and video subtitles in no time with Podcastle:
Upload Your Video
Drag and drop your video file into Podcastle's intuitive audio and video editing software
Generate Subtitles
Let Podcastle's powerful speech recognition software transcribe your audio to text in seconds.
Edit and Export
Fine-tune your subtitles. Edit and review with our user-friendly online text editor. Once done, export your transcription and enjoy!
Add Subtitles to Video

Why Add Subtitles to Your Videos Online with Podcastle?

Enhanced Accessibility

Reach viewers globally, breaking language barriers with our cutting-edge subtitle integration.

Better User Experience

Wondering how subtitles can improve video engagement? Podcastle's subtitles ensure that your message is crystal clear, ensuring viewer engagement and satisfaction.

SEO Benefits

Improve search engine rankings by adding captions to your videos, enhancing SEO and driving more traffic to your content.

Global Audience Reach

Expand your audience reach exponentially. Subtitle integration for podcast episodesor video blogs equals a chance to  connect with diverse demographics and tap into new markets effortlessly.

Boosted Social Media Visibility

Share subtitled videos seamlessly, captivating your audience and increasing social media visibility.

Make Your Videos Searchable

Add subtitles and make your videos searchable, ensuring they surface in relevant searches, and leading to higher visibility.


More About Podcastle

  • Podcastle is an AI-powered, collaborative audio & video creation platform
  • We help professional and amateur podcasters create, edit and distribute production-quality podcasts effortlessly
  • Our mission is to democratize access to broadcast storytelling
  • We offer simple, end-to-end creation tools that are professional, yet fun
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Frequently Asked Questions

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Why should I add subtitles to my videos?
How do I add subtitles to my videos with Podcastle?
What is the most common subtitle file format?
How can subtitles enhance the viewer experience in podcast recordings?
Can I edit or review the generated subtitles?

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