For Business

Professional content made easy

Give your team the right tools to create professional quality audio and video content at scale with our collaborative AI-powered platform.

People using Podcastle to record content on laptops

Communicate with content

Record informative & entertaining content for internal or external use.
Add compelling narration to videos with human or AI voices.
Training Videos
Create engaging content to onboard or train your team.
Social Media
Record video content for use across multiple channels.
Sales Demos
Scale your demos with persuasive high-end video content.
Tell stories for clients and buyers with narrative audio content.
Website Content
Give websites some flair with engaging video content.
Generate leads & educate audiences with informative webinars.

Everything your team needs

Simplify your workflow and get more done with less by using Podcastle's full suite of AI-powered recording, editing and transcription tools.

Perfect in every department

Marketing team on a call


Marketing teams of all sizes depend on Podcastle to create high-quality audio and video content for themselves and their clients. Create content faster in a single collaborative platform.
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Woman on a call on her laptop

Learning & Development

People teams use Podcastle to create engaging learning and development content for new and existing employees. Onboard, train and inform with our easy-to-use platform.
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Two people recording a podcast on a sofa

Internal Comms

Entire organizations use Podcastle to communicate internally and keep their teams informed and engaged. Create town-hall content, podcasts and more with our AI-powered platform.
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Built for teams

Collaboration is easy with Podcastle's in-built tools for teams. Comment, tag, share and control access with Podcastle for Teams.
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Empower everyone

Podcastle is easy enough for beginners, but powerful enough for pros. Whatever your team’s experience level, they’ll be able to create excellent content.

Deliver more with less

Streamline your workflows by managing everything in a single platform. Replace multiple tools, multiple log-ins and multiple subscriptions with one solution.

Communicate seamlessly

Move faster with in-platform comments and shareable links to get feedback and iterate more quickly. Deliver content without the constant back-and-forth of emails.
SiriusXM LogoWSJ LogoNetflix LogoDisney LogoBBC LogoDiscovery LogoGoogle LogoThe Economist LogoESPN Logo

Ready for Enterprise

Expert-led Production
Get access to our team of production experts who will help ensure your content is as good as it can be to support your business goals.
Dedicated support
Streamline your workflows by managing everything in a single platform. Replace multiple tools, multiple log-ins and multiple subscriptions with one solution.
Secure & compliant
Manage access to different projects with roles and permissions and keep projects safe with cloud storage and remote collaboration.

Hear from the

Podcastle Community

"Podcastle makes content creation a breeze! I love how easy it is to use their editing, recording, and publishing tools. Plus, the additional features like Noise Reduction, Leveling, and AI-powered Magic Dust are amazing."
Sara C.
"Podcastle is helping me to easily create and catalog an internal company podcast as part of my role in leading Organizational Learning. This is amping up folks' knowledge of their colleagues and the work happening across the company."
Whitney B.
“Simple to use, very accessible UX and great product support. The quality of the recording is excellent and you can apply some simple post-processing right in the platform if you decide to. Highly recommend.”
David G.

More about Podcastle

About Podcastle
Podcastle is an AI-powered collaborative audio and video creation platform
We help individuals and teams to create, edit and publish their content effortlessly.
We offer a range of tools that are easy and fun to use but powerful enough to create professional-level content.
Our mission is to make world-class multimedia content creation accessible for everyone.
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