These Are the Longest Running Podcasts Ever

It's fascinating to think about how different platforms have exploded in popularity over the years. TikTok, Instagram, podcasting – they've all had their moments in the sun.

It's natural to wonder what might have happened if we'd been early adopters of these trends. Would we be living the influencer life now, with a steady stream of brand deals and a massive following? Or maybe we'd be running a wildly successful podcast, entertaining and informing listeners around the globe.

But you know what? There's no need to dwell on the past. Instead, let's focus on the exciting possibilities that lie ahead! If you're curious about starting your own podcast or just want to learn from the success stories of some of the oldest podcasts, you're in the right place.

In this article, we'll take a look at some of the longest running podcasts out there and explore what's helped them stand the test of time. Who knows – maybe their experiences will inspire you to create something amazing of your own!

Table of Contents:
The longest running podcasts ever
What makes a podcast successful?
How to create the next longest running podcast
Use AI to help you create the perfect podcast

Top 21 longest running podcasts ever

1) The Joe Rogan Experience

The Joe Rogan Experience is arguably one of the most recognizable names in the podcasting sphere. Launched in December 2009, Joe Rogan has maintained an impressive release schedule, often publishing multiple episodes per week. With over 1,700 episodes, The JRE show might be the podcast with the most episodes on our list! It is also known for its wide range of topics, from comedy and philosophy to politics and health.

What keeps it going?

– Evergreen Content: Joe Rogan's interviews with a diverse range of guests ensure that his episodes remain relevant for years.
– Loyal Fan Base: The show's popularity exploded partly due to Rogan's pre-existing fan base as a comedian and UFC commentator.
– Adaptability: Rogan's move to Spotify in 2020 showed his ability to adapt to changing industry dynamics, securing an exclusive deal rumored to be worth $100 million.

2) The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe

The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe is one of the oldest podcasts as it was founded back in May 2005 and has been a consistent voice in promoting scientific skepticism. With over 800 episodes, this podcast covers topics related to science, critical thinking, and debunking pseudoscience.

What keeps it going?

Educational Content: The podcast's focus on science and skepticism ensures it remains relevant as these fields continue to evolve.
– Community Engagement: A dedicated community of skeptics supports the show, often contributing ideas and engaging in discussions.
– Consistency: Weekly episodes without fail have built trust and anticipation among listeners.

3) This Week in Tech (TWiT)

Launched in April 2005 by tech journalist Leo Laporte, This Week in Tech (TWiT) has become a cornerstone for tech enthusiasts. The show has produced over 800 episodes, focusing on the latest in technology news and trends.

What keeps it going?

– Timely Content: Covering the ever-evolving tech landscape ensures the podcast always has fresh material.
– Expertise: Leo Laporte and his rotating panel of tech experts provide deep insights and reliable information.
– Adaptability: TWiT has expanded into a network with various shows, demonstrating flexibility and growth.

4) The Adam Carolla Show

The Adam Carolla Show holds a Guinness World Record for the most downloaded podcast. Launched in February 2009, it is also one of the oldest podcasts and has remained relevant because of its mix of comedy, interviews, and listener call-ins. In total, the podcast has over 3,000 episodes.

What keeps it going?

– Comedy and Personality: Carolla's comedic style and engaging personality keep listeners entertained.
– Frequency: The show releases daily episodes, creating a routine for listeners.
– Fan Loyalty: A strong, loyal fan base who followed Carolla from his radio days has been instrumental in the podcast's longevity.

5) Radiolab

Radiolab began in 2002 as a radio show before transitioning into a podcast, which makes it one of the longest running podcasts in the world. Known for its deep dives into scientific and philosophical questions, Radiolab has produced over 400 episodes.

What keeps it going?

– In-depth Storytelling: Radiolab's unique approach to storytelling and sound design sets it apart.
– Evergreen Content: The topics often explore fundamental aspects of science and philosophy, remaining relevant over time.
– Public Radio Support: Being part of WNYC Studios provides a stable platform and support system.

6) The Moth

The Moth has been capturing the power of storytelling since 2009. With thousands of episodes featuring real-life stories told by people from all walks of life, The Moth has become a testament to the art of storytelling.

What keeps it going?

– Human Stories: The universal appeal of personal stories ensures a broad and engaged audience.
– Live Events: The Moth's live storytelling events contribute to its dynamic content and community engagement.
– Diverse Voices: Featuring storytellers from various backgrounds keeps the content fresh and relatable.

7) Hardcore History

Dan Carlin's Hardcore History may not release episodes as frequently as others, but since 2006, it has delivered some of the most comprehensive and engaging historical content. Each episode is a deep dive into historical events, sometimes running for several hours.

What keeps it going?

– In-depth Analysis: Carlin's thorough research and storytelling make each episode a valuable resource.
– Evergreen Content: Historical topics tend to remain relevant, attracting new listeners over time.
– Quality over Quantity: The podcast's infrequent release schedule ensures each episode is meticulously crafted.

8) Never Not Funny

Jimmy Pardo and Matt Belknap have been making people laugh since 2006 with their podcast, Never Not Funny. What started as a casual conversation at Jimmy's dining room table has grown into a comedy staple, featuring a rotating cast of hilarious guests. Tune in for unfiltered, unscripted, and undeniably funny banter that'll make you feel like you're part of the gang.

9) This American Life

This American Life is a podcast that's been captivating audiences since 1995. Each week, the team takes on a new theme and weaves together a myriad of stories that are equal parts informative and entertaining. It's safe to say, you'll never run out of thought-provoking content.

10) Jordan, Jesse, Go!

Jordan Morris and Jesse Thorn have been best buds since their college days, and they've brought their friendship to the airwaves with Jordan, Jesse, Go! (JJGO). This weekly comedy podcast is all about navigating the ups and downs of young adulthood with a hefty dose of humor – truly a wild ride filled with laughter, shenanigans, and plenty of heart.

11) WTF with Marc Maron

When Marc Maron started WTF in 2009, he had no idea it would become a comedic lifeline. Now, he welcomes a diverse array of guests into his home for candid, revealing conversations that go beyond the typical interview. From fellow comedians to musicians, and everyone in between, Marc has a knack for getting people to open up and share their stories in a way that's both intimate and hilarious.

12) Uhh Yeah Dude

Seth Romatelli and Jonathan Larroquette have been serving up their unique brand of comedy since 2006 with Uhh Yeah Dude. This weekly podcast is a hilarious look at American life through the eyes of two quick-witted friends. With episodes clocking in at around an hour, you'll have plenty of time to laugh along with Seth and Jonathan as they riff on everything from pop culture to the absurdities of everyday life.

13) Savage Lovecast

Dan Savage has been dishing out sex and relationship advice since 2006 with his weekly podcast, Savage Lovecast. No topic is off-limits as Dan takes calls from listeners seeking guidance on everything from dating to kink. With a mix of humor, compassion, and brutal honesty, Dan creates a safe space for people to explore their desires and navigate the sometimes-tricky world of love and sex.

14) Keith and the Girl

Keith Malley and his rotating cast of co-hosts have been pushing boundaries since 2005 with their comedy podcast, Keith and the Girl (KATG). Each episode is a no-holds-barred discussion of life, love, and everything in between. From relationships to religion, no topic is too taboo for Keith and his guests. Get ready for a wild, uncensored ride that's equal parts hilarious and thought-provoking.

15) Brainwashed Radio the Podcast Edition

Jon Whitney has been curating cutting-edge music since 2004 with Brainwashed Radio: The Podcast Edition. Each week, he shares a mix of tunes from the artists and labels featured on Whether you're a longtime fan or just discovering the world of experimental music, this podcast is the perfect way to expand your sonic horizons and discover your new favorite artists.

16) Entitled Opinions

Hosted by Robert Pogue Harrison, Entitled Opinions is a podcast that dives deep into the minds of some of the world's most fascinating thinkers. From philosophers to writers, scientists to historians, each episode features an in-depth conversation that's both intellectually stimulating and utterly engrossing. Prepare to have your perspectives challenged and your curiosity piqued as you join Harrison on this journey of ideas.

17) Stuck in the 80s

Steve Spears takes listeners on a nostalgic journey back to the 1980s with his podcast, Stuck in the 80s. Whether you lived through the decade or just love the music, movies, and pop culture of the era, this podcast is a fun-filled trip down memory lane. From in-depth discussions of classic films to interviews with iconic '80s personalities, Stuck in the 80s is the perfect way to indulge your love of all things retro.

18) Political Gabfest

The Slate Political Gabfest is the go-to podcast for anyone who wants to stay informed about the latest developments in politics. Hosted by Emily Bazelon, John Dickerson, and David Plotz, each episode features lively discussions and debates about the issues that shape our world. Maybe you're a political junkie or just looking to make sense of the headlines, but the Gabfest is the perfect blend of substance and style.

19) Irish and Celtic Music Podcast

The Irish and Celtic Music Podcast is a weekly celebration of the best in contemporary Celtic music. Host Marc Gunn showcases a niche mix of artists from around the world, highlighting the diversity and vibrancy of this beloved genre. If you're a lifelong fan or just discovering the joys of Celtic music, this podcast is the perfect way to immerse yourself in the rich traditions and modern innovations of this timeless art form.

20) Sick and Wrong

Dee Simon and Kate Rambo have been exploring the darker side of life since 2006 with their comedy podcast, Sick and Wrong. Each episode delves into the weird, the disturbing, and the downright bizarre, from cults and conspiracies to murders and mayhem. With a mix of humor and morbid fascination, Dee and Kate create a space where listeners can indulge their most twisted curiosities.

21) Comic Geek Speak

Comic Geek Speak (CGS) is the ultimate destination for comic book fans. Hosted by a rotating cast of comic enthusiasts, including Bryan Deemer and Peter Rios, each episode features in-depth discussions of the latest releases, creator interviews, and much more. Whether you're a hardcore collector or just love a good superhero story, CGS is the perfect way to geek out about all things comics.

What Makes a Podcast Successful?

Evergreen content

To become one of the longest running podcasts, you need to choose a topic that will not die off in the next couple of years. Evergreen content is the secret sauce that keeps listeners coming back for more. Think about tackling universal themes that resonate with people across generations or diving deep into subjects that offer endless opportunities for exploration.

Loyal fan base

A podcast is nothing without its listeners, and cultivating a loyal fan base is a must. These dedicated fans are your biggest cheerleaders, spreading the word about your show to friends, family, and anyone who will listen. And besides engaging with your content, your fan base will likely leave glowing reviews and create a buzz on social media that helps your podcast grow.


Consistency is key when it comes to building a lasting podcast. Listeners love knowing when they can expect new episodes, and sticking to a regular release schedule helps create a sense of anticipation and reliability. Whether you choose to drop new episodes weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, the key is to find a rhythm that works for you and your audience. Plus, consistently releasing new content shows podcast directories that you're serious about your show, increasing the likelihood that they'll recommend it to new listeners.


Podcasting is constantly changing and evolving, and as new platforms emerge and listener preferences shift, successful podcasts have to find ways to stay ahead of the curve. This might mean experimenting with new formats, incorporating listener feedback, or embracing the latest technologies. By staying flexible and open to change, you can ensure that your podcast remains fresh, relevant, and engaging for years to come.

How to create the next longest running podcast

1) Define your niche

Identify a specific topic or audience for your podcast. This will help you create focused content that appeals to a dedicated listener base. Make sure you choose a topic that you will love talking about even after a decade!

2. Maintain consistency

Set a realistic schedule and stick to it. Consistency builds trust and anticipation among your listeners.

3. Engage with your audience

Build a community around your podcast. Engage with your listeners through social media, respond to their feedback, and involve them in your episodes when possible. Making your listeners feel that they are part of something bigger is a great way to keep them coming back.

4. Invest in quality

Good audio quality and well-researched content are essential. Invest in a decent microphone and editing software to ensure your podcast sounds professional. But if you don’t have the budget to invest in podcasting equipment, don’t worry. With Podcastle's Magic Dust feature, you can get studio-quality audio from just your laptop, without even needing a microphone!

5. Stay adaptable

Be open to change and willing to adapt your format, content, or distribution methods based on trends and feedback. If you’re going to run your show for years, you need to be a bit more flexible and open to changes.

6. Promote your podcast

Use social media, guest appearances, and collaborations with other podcasters to increase your reach. Platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok are a great way to attract new listeners.

7. Use reliable tools

Tools like Podcastle can be incredibly helpful. Podcastle offers a recording studio in the palm of your hands, allowing you to record, edit, produce, and publish high-quality episodes with ease. This tool can help you maintain consistency and quality, ensuring your podcast stands out. And the best part? You can start for free!

Use AI to help you create the perfect podcast

Creating the longest running podcast requires a blend of dedication, quality content, and strategic engagement. As we've seen from the examples of The Joe Rogan Experience, The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe, and others, success is built on a culmination of things, including evergreen content, building loyalty among your fans, and keeping your releases as consistent as possible.

If you don’t know where to start and don’t have a chunky budget for your podcast, we suggest you try Podcastle. It has a bunch of AI-powered podcasting tools that can make your podcast production flow quicker and easier. No matter if you’re a beginner or a professional, Podcastle will help you create a quality show without the need of a studio or expensive recording equipment.

So with the technical aspect covered all you have to do is take inspiration from these pioneers in podcasting and apply their principles to your own podcasting journey.

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