How To Start A Podcast

There’re numerous podcasting platforms to choose from when it comes to recording audio content. We’re offering you everything your audio needs - all in one place.
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Podcast Recording Simplified

Do you have a great podcast idea? Now there’s nothing stopping you from starting a podcast of your own. With our intuitive podcast recording and editing platform, creating audio is as easy as it gets.
How To Start a Podcast

How to Record Your Podcast

Develop a concept
To start a successful podcast you first need to identify who you’re making it for. Pick a podcasting genre based on what you’re passionate about. This is also the right time to name your podcast.
Plan your podcast episodes
Once you’ve settled on a podcast topic, start planning your content. It’s best to decide on your podcast show length in advance, and write the script accordingly.
Record your podcast
Now that you have your podcast name and format ready, it’s time to start recording. Go to or download our free mobile app. With our intuitive podcast recording platform, it’s as easy as it gets
How To Publish A Podcast


You can easily export your episode from our podcast creation platform and share it to a directory. Make sure to include a striking, properly formatted podcast logo and a catchy description.

podcast monetization

Monetize your podcast

Even if monetization wasn’t your initial reason to launch your own podcast, additional income has never hurt anybody. Everyone starts  small and needs to work their way up — utilize social media platforms, reach out to podcasting communities, create audiograms, and collaborate with other creators to grow your audience.

online podcast recording

Remote Podcast Recording

Are you wondering how to start a podcast if you can’t afford renting a studio? Don’t worry, with Podcastle you can record your podcast interviews in a snap, all from the comfort of your home. Our podcast recording app allows you to host online recording sessions with up to 10 people, giving you a top quality recording for each of your guests.

podcasting platform

AI-Powered Tools and Features

There aren’t many AI-powered podcasting platforms, so why not grab the advantage and use us to start your own successful podcast for absolutely free? Remove noise and awkward silences, sweeten your voice, add music and sound effects, and simply enjoy audio creation to the fullest.

Audio Transcription

Automatic Audio Transcription

Before your audience chooses to listen to a podcast, they browse many popular podcasts. To make sure they find and pick yours, you have to work on your SEO ranking. Publishing  transcriptions with each episode is one good way to go, and Podcastle’s speech to text translator is here to help you do it.


More about Podcastle

  • Podcastle is an AI-powered, collaborative audio creation platform
  • We help professional and amateur podcasters create, edit, and distribute production-quality podcasts effortlessly
  • Our mission is to democratize access to broadcast storytelling
  • We offer a range of easy-to-use tools that are professional, yet fun

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I start a podcast with Podcastle?
All you need to do is sign up at or download our iOS app for free. Feel free to upgrade if you’re ever in need of extra help.
Can I add sound effects or music tracks to my audio?
Yes! Podcastle has an extensive library of fun sound effects and music tracks that you can use to enhance your recording.
What kind of a podcast can I create with Podcastle?
Whether it’s a solo, corporate, or an interview podcast, our web platform and mobile app allows for all the flexibility you need.
Do all of my interview guests have to download the app?
No, they don’t. Your guests can join both via the app or the web platform.
Can I also record a video podcast?
Soon you will! We’re always in the process of adding more features to the platform. Video podcast recording is coming next!

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