How to Get More Views on YouTube: Your Ultimate Guide

You dream of going viral. Maybe it’s hitting that first million views or finally seeing your subscriber count explode. But if you’ve spent any time as a YouTuber, you know it’s not as simple as uploading videos and waiting for the magic to happen.

It’s tougher than it looks — but not impossible.

In this guide, we’ll break down everything you need to know to start boosting your views and growing your channel like never before.

How does YouTube count views?

Ever wonder what counts as a view on YouTube?

YouTube considers a view when a user intentionally clicks to watch your video and spends at least 30 seconds watching it.

It’s important to note that replays from the same user will only count as additional views after a certain time has passed, and YouTube filters out bots and spam views. So, real human interaction is key here!

If you’re looking to increase video views, focus on making content that genuinely holds your audience's attention.

10 tips on how to get more views on YouTube

1) Create engaging and click-worthy titles

Your title is the first thing viewers see, so it needs to grab attention immediately. To figure out how to get more views on YouTube, you first need to start crafting titles that spark curiosity while being informative. Think about your audience and the kind of words that would compel them to click.

Use numbers, questions, or power words like "best," "ultimate," or "how to." For example, instead of “My Workout Routine,” try something along the lines of “The Ultimate 10-Minute Workout for Beginners.” Make sure your title also includes relevant keywords to boost YouTube views (and don’t forget to keep it under 60 characters so it’s fully visible in search results.)

2) Design eye-catching thumbnails

An irresistible thumbnail is your secret weapon to increase video views. A great thumbnail doesn’t just hint at the video content; it sells the video. Use bold text, clear images, and contrasting colors to make your thumbnail pop. People are naturally drawn to visuals that stand out.

Try to make your thumbnails visually consistent, especially if you're building a brand. Incorporating a recognizable style will make your content instantly familiar to viewers. And here's the trick: create custom thumbnails instead of relying on auto-generated ones. This level of effort shows your audience you're serious about delivering quality content.

3) Write descriptions that sell your content

The description box is another opportunity to increase video views. While the first two lines are the most visible, the rest helps with YouTube’s search algorithm, so fill it with relevant keywords. But don’t just keyword stuff, make sure you’re explaining what the video is about in an engaging way.

You can also use this space to link to other videos or playlists to keep viewers on your channel longer. The more time they spend watching your content, the better your chances to boost YouTube views. Pro tip: always include a call-to-action at the end, like subscribing, commenting, or sharing.

4) Do your keyword research

Understanding what people are searching for is crucial when learning how to get more views on YouTube. Use tools like Google Trends, YouTube Search Suggest, or platforms like TubeBuddy to discover the keywords your audience is using. Focus on long-tail keywords that are more specific and less competitive.

Once you have your keywords, include them in your titles, descriptions, and tags. But here’s the thing: make sure the content you create genuinely reflects the keywords you’re using. Viewers will leave quickly if they don’t find what they expect, and that can hurt your watch time, which affects your ranking.

5) Master YouTube SEO

Now that you have your keywords, it’s time to optimize your entire search channel. The more optimized your channel is, the easier it will be to boost YouTube views. Include your target keywords in your video file name, metadata, tags, and even your channel’s about section.

Also, don’t forget closed captions and subtitles! These not only make your videos more accessible but also help with SEO since YouTube uses the text to understand your content better. The algorithm loves well-optimized videos, and so will your audience.

6) Promote your videos across social media

If you want to increase video views, you need to think beyond YouTube. Share your content on other platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and even LinkedIn if your niche fits. Each platform has its own audience, so tailor your posts accordingly.

Create short teasers or snippets of your videos to attract viewers and link back to your YouTube channel. You could also join relevant online communities (Reddit, Quora, Facebook groups) and share your videos where appropriate. But don’t spam—focus on adding value to the conversation, and people will naturally click through to your content.

7) Create YouTube playlists for more views

Organizing your videos into playlists is an effective way to keep viewers watching more of your content, and this will boost YouTube views significantly. Playlists create an auto-play experience, so viewers don’t have to search for your next video—it just plays. This leads to more watch time, which YouTube rewards by ranking your videos higher.

You can create playlists based on themes, topics, or series of videos. Add keywords to your playlist titles and descriptions to make them more discoverable. And don't forget to include a mix of your best-performing and newer videos to get maximum exposure.

8) Engage with your audience

Building a loyal community is one of the best ways to ensure you continuously increase video views. Replying to comments, asking for feedback, responding to criticism, and hosting Q&A sessions not only boost engagement but also help the YouTube algorithm see that your content is interactive, which leads to better visibility.

Encourage your viewers to engage by ending your videos with questions or calls to action, like “What do you think?” or “Tell me your experience in the comments.” The more engaged your viewers are, the more likely they are to share your content, which leads to more views.

9) Work with YouTube's algorithm

If you want to master how to get more views on YouTube, you need to understand how the YouTube algorithm works. The algorithm rewards videos that keep viewers engaged, which means you should focus on watch time, likes, comments, and shares. Videos with high retention rates perform better, so aim to hook viewers in the first few seconds.

Use YouTube Analytics to monitor which parts of your videos cause drop-offs and adjust your content accordingly. When you can pinpoint what your audience loves most, you can replicate that formula to increase video views with every upload.

10) Use YouTube Analytics to improve performance

Speaking of YouTube Analytics, this tool is gold for any creator who is serious about boosting YouTube views. It provides insights into which videos are performing well, where your traffic is coming from, and which demographics are engaging with your content.

Focus on content metrics like watch time, audience retention, and click-through rates to see where you can improve. If a video isn’t doing as well as you hoped, check the thumbnail, title, and description. Adjust these elements based on the data to attract more viewers. Analytics takes the guesswork out of growth, so use it to make informed decisions about your content strategy.

YouTube Channels who went from 0 to 1M

Want some real-world inspiration? Let’s take a look at a few YouTube channels that cracked the code on how to get more views on YouTube and more. We’ve covered some of the most impressive case studies online, along with their key takeaways.

1) KalariLab: From 2,000 Views a Year to 2,400 a Day

In early 2020, KalariLab, an online martial arts school in Thailand, faced a challenge with its YouTube channel. It had barely reached 2,000 views over three years, but within just one month, views skyrocketed to over 2,400 per day—without uploading any new content. The secret? A little optimization magic and a strategy that made YouTube’s algorithm work for them.

The process started with a deep dive into competitor research. By studying similar martial arts channels, a clear path to success emerged—targeting the right keywords and improving visibility with optimized titles, descriptions, and tags. From there, it wasn’t just about tweaking the content; KalariLab also tapped into YouTube’s community features and cross-platform promotion to widen its reach.

The results were impressive. Views shot up, subscribers followed, and KalariLab turned this momentum into increased revenue. It’s a reminder that sometimes, small changes can bring big rewards when done right.

Key takeaways:

Research: Keep an eye on what competitors are doing and identify the best keywords.
Optimization: Fine-tune video titles, descriptions, and tags to boost visibility.
Promotion: Use YouTube’s community features and engage across other platforms to reach more viewers.
Let YouTube do the work: Once content is optimized, YouTube’s recommendation system helps it reach the right audience.

2) Red Bull’s journey to viral fame

Although this case study is more about paid advertising, it’s still worth highlighting. Red Bull’s rise to viral stardom on YouTube is a perfect example of how staying true to your brand can lead to massive success. They didn’t just sell energy drinks—they sold a lifestyle. Through extreme sports and adrenaline-fueled adventures, Red Bull built a brand that thrives on excitement and pushing boundaries. Rather than focusing on their product, their focus was on creating a community that resonated with the energy and thrill Red Bull stood for.

What really set them apart was their focus on authenticity and storytelling. They didn’t go for polished, overly-produced content. Instead, they showcased real, heart-pounding moments of extreme stunts – and that rawness hooked viewers. By partnering with influencers and athletes who already lived the Red Bull lifestyle, they expanded their reach and added a layer of credibility. And let’s not forget the genius move of encouraging user-generated content, which turned fans into active participants in the brand.

The impact of Red Bull’s viral fame

The results? Nothing short of game-changing. Red Bull built a loyal community that was deeply connected to their ethos. Their YouTube success didn’t just boost views and engagement, it also had a direct impact on sales. The combination of viral content and strategic branding turned into serious revenue growth.

This strategy shows how powerful video marketing can be when done right. Red Bull went beyond traditional ads, crafting content that truly connected with their audience on a deeper level.

Key takeaways:

– Stay authentic: Don’t stray from what makes your brand unique. Create content that feels true to who you are.
Tell stories: Capture your audience with narratives that evoke emotion and keep them coming back.
Collaborate smart: Team up with influencers or creators who reflect your brand values to reach new audiences.
Encourage participation: User-generated content is a win-win. It engages your audience and gives them ownership of the brand.
Optimize for search: Don’t forget the basics—make sure your titles, descriptions, and tags are on point so your content gets found.

3) Blusteak: 53% more views, no new uploads

Blusteak took on a unique challenge: increasing a client’s YouTube channel views without adding any new content. The channel, which features top Bollywood songs, was already a hit with over 250k subscribers. But with no fresh videos to upload, the goal was to maximize the performance of existing content.

Blusteak’s approach centered around fine-tuning YouTube SEO and tapping into the growing potential of YouTube Shorts. The team started with an in-depth competitor analysis to see what was working elsewhere. They optimized video tags, adjusted descriptions, and interlinked playlists within the video descriptions, making it easier for viewers to discover related content. A/B testing of thumbnails allowed them to pick the most appealing visuals, while custom end cards encouraged more interaction and kept viewers engaged longer.

One of the standout strategies was using YouTube Shorts. By pulling key moments from longer videos and turning them into 60-second clips, Blusteak managed to capture the attention of a wider audience. Consistently posting shorts led to a huge spike in engagement, boosting the channel’s total views by 53% in just one month.

Key takeaways:

Optimization matters: Tweaking tags, titles, and descriptions can make a huge difference.
Leverage YouTube Shorts: Repurpose your best moments into short clips to engage new viewers.
Test and adapt: A/B testing thumbnails and end cards keep things fresh and relevant.
Community focus: Keep your audience hooked with playlists and personalized video suggestions.

Common YouTube mistakes to avoid

Although it’s nice to get inspired from success stories, it’s always good to stay cautious and remember about the possible pitfalls too. While growing your YouTube channel, it’s easy to make a few missteps that could slow down your progress. Here are some common mistakes to watch out for:

1) Clickbait titles and thumbnails

Sure, these types of misleading thumbnails or titles might get initial clicks, but if your content doesn’t deliver on the promise, viewers will leave quickly, hurting your watch time and ranking.

2) Ignoring video SEO

Without proper keyword optimization in your titles, descriptions, and tags, your videos may never reach the right audience, making it harder to increase video views.

3) Overloading your audience with content

Posting too frequently can overwhelm your viewers and lead to burnout. Quality over quantity is key.

4) Inconsistent posting schedule

If your audience never knows when to expect a new video, it’s harder to build loyalty. Consistency, and a solid posting schedule, help keep people coming back for more.

5) Poor audio or video quality

Even if your visuals are great, bad sound can ruin the viewer’s experience. Investing in a decent microphone is essential for keeping people engaged. Alternatively, you can use AI tools to enhance your audio quality to studio-level or turn grainy, pixelated, and blurry videos into an HD work of art with AI video enhancers.

6) Focusing only on subscribers

Subscriber count is important, but don’t forget about the casual viewers. Making content that appeals to a broader audience can help boost YouTube views and attract more subscribers in the long run.

7) Neglecting mobile optimization

Many viewers watch on mobile devices, so if your content isn’t optimized for smaller screens (like cramped text or unclear visuals), you’ll lose potential views.

8) Not adding end screens or cards

These tools are crucial for guiding viewers to your other content and keeping them on your channel longer. Missing this step can hurt your overall growth.

Final Thoughts

One thing that gets in the way of many content creators is… editing. It’s a massive time-commitment, one that far too often takes time away from more important things—like increasing your views and making sure your content stands out.

With tools like Podcastle, you can rely on AI for practically every step of the editing journey. Whether it’s editing audio to studio perfection, fixing bad-quality videos, getting rid of background noises, or auto-generating transcriptions, captions, and subtitles, Podcastle can handle it all in just a matter of a few clicks.

Don’t let editing eat into your entire schedule, focus on gaining the views you deserve.


How many views do you need to get paid on YouTube?

To start earning money on YouTube, you need to join the YouTube Partner Program (YPP). To qualify, you must have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months. Once you meet these requirements, you can monetize your videos through ads, channel memberships, and more. Remember, it’s not just about views; engaging content and a loyal audience are key to maximizing your earnings!

What type of content gets the most views on YouTube?

Content genres that tends to rack up the most views usually includes tutorials, product reviews, vlogs, and trending topics (as well as video memes!). Think about what your audience loves and what’s currently popular in your niche. Additionally, videos that tell a story or evoke strong emotions often engage viewers and encourage them to share, leading to more increased video views. Keep experimenting to find out what resonates with your audience!

How can I promote my YouTube videos effectively?

Promoting your YouTube videos can be fun and creative! Share your content on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to reach a broader audience. Engage with communities related to your niche, such as forums or Facebook groups, and don’t hesitate to collaborate with other creators. You can also use paid advertising to boost your videos. Remember, the more people see your content, the higher your chances are to boost YouTube views!

How long should my YouTube videos be?

The ideal length for YouTube videos can vary depending on your content type, but a good rule of thumb is to aim for 8-12 minutes. This length is long enough to provide valuable information while keeping viewers engaged. However, always prioritize quality over quantity—if your message is clear in a shorter video, go for it! Pay attention to your audience’s preferences and adjust accordingly to keep them coming back for more.

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