How to Make Money on YouTube Without Making Videos

Making money on YouTube typically brings to mind vloggers, makeup tutorials, and people doing wild stunts for views. But what if someone wants to cash in on the platform without showing their face or making videos at all? It might sound impossible, but there are actually several ways to earn on YouTube while staying comfortably behind the scenes.

This less-traveled path on the road to YouTube success offers opportunities for those who prefer to remain unseen. Whether it's stage fright, a dislike of video editing, or simply a desire for privacy, these methods allow creators to tap into YouTube's vast audience without stepping in front of a camera.

How to make YouTube videos without showing your face

Now for those who don’t mind video production per se, but just don’t like the idea of showing their face and prefer a less personal approach to YouTubeing, we have other ideas in store.

Faceless videos are exactly what they sound like—content where the creator doesn’t appear on screen at all. A faceless YouTube channel allows you to stay behind the scenes, while still providing valuable content to your audience. Many faceless YouTubers use visuals, animations, or even just voiceovers to get their message across, keeping their identity anonymous. This approach is perfect for creators who prefer privacy or simply don’t enjoy being in front of the camera.

Below are the ways you can create a faceless YouTube channel:

1) Use text-to-speech for YouTube videos

One of the easiest ways to avoid showing your face (or even using your own voice) is by using text-to-speech technology. You can write your script, and an AI-generated voice will narrate it for you. Tools that offer YouTube AI narrator options and AI voices for YouTube allow you to keep your content completely anonymous. It’s a great solution if you’re camera-shy or simply want a more hands-off approach to creating YouTube content.

For an easy, professional text-to-speech option, check out Podcastle. With Podcastle’s AI voice skins, you can quickly generate high-quality audio without having to record anything yourself. This saves you time and effort while keeping your faceless YouTube videos engaging.

2) Focus on audio-centered content

Another great option for faceless YouTubers is to focus on audio-based content. This could be anything from educational podcasts to interviews or commentary on trending topics. You can easily turn your podcast into a video by simply adding a static image or slideshow to your audio file, which transforms it into a faceless YouTube channel. Minimal effort, and you still get to share your content with a broader audience!

3) Screen recording videos

how to screen record

Screen recording videos are another popular choice, especially among gamers and tutorial creators. If you have a passion for gaming, software tutorials, or explaining processes step-by-step, you can create faceless YouTube videos by recording your screen and narrating it. This way, you stay behind the scenes while still providing value. For a super easy solution, you can use Podcastle’s video editor with its screen recording tool to capture your screen and pair it with a voiceover—no need for fancy video production.

Faceless YouTube channel ideas

Here are some of the best faceless YouTube channel ideas if you want to start creating content without showing your face:

  1. Gaming: Play and comment on games while recording your screen. Let your skills and personality shine through your voice rather than your face.
  2. Tech tutorials: Show how to use certain software, gadgets, or apps. You don’t need to be on camera; your screen is the star.
  3. Whiteboard animations: Create explainer videos using animations and drawings. This is a great way to break down complex topics in a simple, visual format.
  4. Relaxation music or soundscapes: Upload calming music or sound effects with a nice background image. People love listening to these for sleep, focus, or relaxation.
  5. Product reviews: Create review videos using stock footage or still images of the products. Narrate your opinions and findings without being on camera yourself.

How to make money on YouTube without making videos (at all)

Believe it or not, you can actually make money on YouTube without producing a single video yourself. No cameras, no editing, no stress! Whether you don’t want to show your face, don’t have time for production, or just prefer staying behind the scenes, here are some creative ways you can still profit from YouTube.

1) YouTube ad revenue from content creators

One smart way to make money without creating your own videos is by monetizing other people’s content. This can be done through YouTube's Content ID system, which allows creators to claim ad revenue from copyrighted material. Let’s say you own the rights to certain music, animations, or any form of media — you can allow others to use it while you collect a share of the ad revenue. With the right strategy and media library, this can be a passive way to earn through YouTube ads.

2) Affiliate marketing with curated playlists

Another great option is affiliate marketing, and here’s the twist: instead of making videos, you curate playlists that feature content from other creators. For example, if you’re in the tech niche, you could create playlists of top product reviews from other channels and include affiliate links to the products in the descriptions. Every time someone clicks the link and makes a purchase, you earn a commission. It’s a win-win: You help promote other people’s content while earning income on the side.

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3) YouTube channel management services

If you have expertise in optimizing channels or editing videos for YouTube, why not manage other creators' channels? Many YouTubers are great at producing content but struggle with behind-the-scenes tasks like keyword research, optimizing video descriptions, and managing ad placements. You can offer services that handle these technical aspects, earning a share of the ad revenue or a fixed fee for your services. This is especially lucrative if you know how to leverage YouTube video editor tools to boost a channel’s success.

4) Selling YouTube channel artwork or thumbnails

You don’t need to create videos to contribute to a YouTuber’s success. Many creators need high-quality thumbnails, banners, and other channel art to stand out. If you have a knack for design, you can sell these graphics to YouTubers. Websites like Fiverr and Upwork are full of clients looking for thumbnail designers. Even better, you could create and sell pre-made templates for thumbnails, which can become a passive income stream once you’ve built a library.

5) YouTube automation channels

Ever heard of YouTube automation? This strategy involves running a YouTube channel where you outsource all the work—from scripting to voiceovers to editing. You don’t need to make or edit a YouTube video yourself. The key here is to focus on creating valuable content through hired teams or freelancers, all while collecting ad revenue and affiliate commissions without ever personally producing a video.

We’re hoping that at least one of our strategies on how to make money on YouTube without making videos sounded doable to you. So we suggest you stop wasting any more time and start working on it, because, before you know it, it will be 2035, and you’ll find yourself sitting at your office desk wondering why you haven’t started monetizing on YouTube yet.

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