How to Make a TikTok Video: the Ultimate Guide for 2024

Love it or not, TikTok is still a thing. Thousands of creators are earning recognition for it, and companies are successful in promoting their products and services through it. So, if you don’t want to fall behind, here is a detailed guide on how exactly you can do it:

How to Make a TikTok Video: Step-By-Step Guide

Making a TikTok video is as fun as watching one. All you have to do is follow these simple steps and enjoy the process while on it:

1) Choose Your TikTok Video Type

To create a good TikTok, you first need to choose the type of TikTok you want to make. Here are the most popular TikTok video types that you can choose from (according to Google):

tiktok video types

Let’s go through them one by one so you can get a clearer picture of which video format suits you or your brand the best:

1) Dance TikTok Videos
Dance TikTok videos are incredibly popular and often go viral. They typically feature users performing a choreographed dance routine to a trending song. These videos are fun to make and can quickly capture the attention of viewers who enjoy watching and learning new dance moves.

2) Educational TikTok Videos
Educational TikTok videos provide valuable information in a quick and engaging format. They're perfect for creators and businesses who want to share their knowledge and expertise.

3) Behind the Scenes TikTok Videos
Behind-the-scenes TikTok videos give viewers a glimpse into your daily life or the process behind your content creation. This type of video can make your audience feel more connected to you by showing them a more personal side. It's a great way to build a loyal following by sharing authentic and relatable content.

4) TikTok Videos Based on Trending Hashtags
Creating TikTok videos based on trending hashtags can help you tap into the latest trends and increase your visibility. By participating in popular challenges or themes, you can reach a wider audience and join the community of users engaging with the same content. This can significantly boost your video's chances of going viral.

5) TikTok Video Q&As
TikTok video Q&As allow you to engage directly with your audience by answering their questions. This format is excellent for building a strong relationship with your followers and showing them that you care.

6) Challenges
Challenges are a staple of TikTok, often involving a specific task or activity that users replicate and share. They can range from dance challenges to creative tasks or even fitness routines. Participating in or creating your own challenge can boost your engagement and encourage others to interact with your content.

7) Duets and Stitches
Duets and stitches are unique features on TikTok that allow you to collaborate with other users. With duets, you can create a side-by-side video with another user’s content, while stitches let you incorporate parts of someone else's video into your own.

8) TikTok Videos with Tutorials
Tutorial videos on TikTok are perfect for showing step-by-step instructions on how to do something. Whether it's a makeup tutorial, cooking recipe, or DIY project, these videos guide your audience and provide them with clear how-to instructions.

9) Collaboration Videos
Collaboration videos are all about collaborating with other TikTok users to create content together. These videos can be fun and engaging, allowing you to combine your creativity with others. Collaborations are great mainly because they help you reach new audiences.

You don’t have to stick to the same form, but also keep in mind that your TikToks should match your brand’s tone of voice.  For instance, if you’re going for a more serious and authoritative image, doing dance videos might not be the best decision for your company, while educational TikToks and TikTok Q&As would be more appropriate.

Once you pick your TikTok video format, it’s time to make it!

2) Record & Edit Your Video

There are two ways you can create a TikTok video: by recording directly on the platform or by uploading an existing video. We’ll show you both methods.

Recording Directly on TikTok

  1. Open the TikTok App: Tap the TikTok app on your Android or iOS device to launch it.
  2. Tap Create (Plus Sign): At the bottom of your screen, tap the plus sign to create a new video.
  3. Select Video Length: Swipe to choose a recording length (15s, 60s, or 10m), then tap the red Record button to start filming.
  4. Add Enhancements: Use the editing tools to trim the video, switch between templates, and add trending sounds, filters, stickers, emojis, or captions to improve accessibility.
  5. How to Add Music to TikTok Video: Tap Add Sound at the top of your screen to browse TikTok’s extensive music library. Select a track that fits your video’s mood, then adjust the audio to match your video length.
  6. Publish Your Video: Tap Next to open the video publishing settings. Add hashtags and adjust settings like Allow Duet or Allow Stitch. Then, tap Post to publish your video!

Using External Tools

If TikTok’s native tools don’t quite do the job for you, you can record and edit your videos elsewhere and then bring them to TikTok when they’re ready to publish.

One great option for this is Podcastle. It’s packed with features that can help you create high-quality videos. You can enhance your video with highlights, subtitles, and seamless cropping and use AI tools to improve both audio and video quality. With these tools, your videos can stand out when users scroll their TikTok feed and make them engage with your content more.

Once you’re done producing your video, you can simply upload it with these simple steps:

Uploading an Existing Video

  1. Tap the Create Icon: Open the TikTok app and tap the plus sign.
  2. Upload Your Video: Tap Upload to open your camera roll. Select the video you want to upload, then tap Next.
  3. Edit Your Video: Tap Edit to trim or make other adjustments to your video. Add effects like sound, filters, stickers, and more.
  4. Adjust Posting Settings: Select a cover for your video, add relevant hashtags and captions, tag other users, and adjust settings to allow comments, stickers, Duets, or Stitches.
  5. Tap Post: Share your video with your audience by tapping Post.

3) Adding Captions, Voiceovers & More

Captions and voiceovers are key ingredients to making your TikTok videos engaging and accessible. Captions help you make your content more inclusive for those who are deaf or hard of hearing, but also simply help viewers follow along when they can't play sound. Plus, they can emphasize key points and add a bit of flair to your storytelling.

Voiceovers, on the other hand, let you add a personal touch. Whether you're narrating a how-to tutorial, sharing a behind-the-scenes story, or adding funny commentary, voiceovers can make your videos more relatable and entertaining.

For an easy way to add captions, simply go to Podcastle and use their speech-to-text converter to get automatic transcription ready for you in no time. You can also use the tool vice versa, and turn your script into an AI-generated voiceover which you can easily add to your video.

But that’s not it! TikTok offers a bunch of extras to make your videos pop. You can add stickers to highlight fun moments, filters to give your video a unique look, and emojis to convey your emotions perfectly. Don’t forget about using green screen effects to transport your viewers to different worlds or seamless transitions to keep them hooked from start to finish.

4) Monetizing Your TikTok

Turning your TikTok passion into cash? It’s not just a dream—many creators are doing it! Here’s how you can start monetizing your TikTok videos and making money from your creativity.

1) TikTok Creator Fund
This is a program where TikTok pays you based on the performance of your videos. The more views and engagement you get, the more you earn. How much does TikTok pay per view? It can vary, but it’s a great way to earn while doing what you love.

2) Brand Partnerships
Brands are always on the lookout for TikTokers to promote their products. If you have a good following and create engaging content, companies might pay you to showcase their products in your videos. This is a lucrative option for many creators.

3) Affiliate Marketing
You can earn commissions by promoting products and including affiliate links in your profile or video descriptions. When your followers purchase through your link, you get a sale percentage.

4) Selling Merchandise
If you’ve built a strong personal brand, selling your own merchandise, such as T-shirts or mugs, can be a great way to make money. It’s a win-win (your fans get useful goodies, and you earn from each sale).

5) Live Gifts
While streaming live, your viewers can send you virtual gifts that you can exchange for cash. This is a fun way to earn money while interacting with your audience in real-time.

6) Tips and Donations
Some TikTokers use platforms like Ko-fi or Patreon to receive tips or donations from their fans. This method allows your loyal followers to support you directly.

So, how much do TikTokers make? It varies widely depending on your content, engagement, and monetization methods. But with creativity and strategy, TikTok can definitely become a revenue stream!

TikTok Video Essentials: Getting the Basics Right

You can get as creative as you want with your TikTok content, but when it comes to technical aspects of video-making, sticking to the basics is the best. Here’s all you need to know about TikTok video size, length, and format to make sure your videos are perfectly optimized for the platform.

TikTok Video Size

When creating videos for TikTok, it's crucial to get the TikTok video dimensions right. The ideal TikTok video aspect ratio is 9:16, which fits perfectly on a smartphone screen. This means your video should be 1080x1920 pixels to make sure it looks great and fills the screen without any black bars. If you’ve recorded your video with a different aspect ratio, you can easily change it online with a resize tool.

TikTok Video Length Limit

Ever wondered how long can TikTok videos be? The platform allows videos up to 10 minutes long, but the average TikTok video length tends to be much shorter. Most popular videos are between 15 seconds to 1 minute. Keeping your content short and engaging is key to capturing your audience's attention. So if your video is a bit too long, make sure you trim and crop it with Podcastle, before you publish.

TikTok Video Format

To have a smooth video uploading experience, you need to use the correct TikTok video format. TikTok supports .mp4 and .mov file formats. Using the right format will help you maintain the quality of your video and, of course, make it compatible with the platform.

How to Make a Video Go Viral on TikTok

We keep hearing those stories of content creators going to sleep one day, completely unknown, and waking up the next day with 1M views on their TikTok. But these overnight success stories seem to be way too far from reality when it comes to your social media. That’s because no matter what the legends say, there is a lot of hard work going on behind the TikTok viral videos. So here is a more honest look at what it takes to get your TikTok to go viral:

1) Understand TikTok Algorithm

The TikTok algorithm is key to making your video go viral. It decides which videos appear on users' For You pages. The algorithm considers factors like video engagement, watch time, and interactions. To take advantage of this, create engaging content that keeps viewers watching and interacting. Respond to comments and encourage viewers to like and share your videos to boost your algorithm ranking.

2) Know Your TikTok Metrics

Understanding TikTok engagement metrics is crucial for improving your content. Metrics like views, likes, shares, comments, and average watch time help you gauge your video's performance. By analyzing these metrics, you can see what works and what doesn’t. Adjust your content strategy based on these insights to increase your chances of going viral.

Using trending music and hashtags can significantly boost your video’s visibility. Trending music tracks and popular hashtags can help your content get discovered by more users. Check TikTok’s Discover page to find current trends and incorporate them into your videos. This can help you reach a wider audience and increase your chances of going viral.

4) Post at the Right Times

Timing is everything on TikTok. Posting when your audience is most active can make a huge difference in your video’s performance. Analyze your audience’s activity patterns and experiment with different posting times to find what works best. This will help ensure your video gets maximum exposure and engagement.

5) Create High-Quality Content

Quality matters on TikTok. High-quality videos with good lighting, clear audio, and smooth editing are more likely to capture viewers’ attention. Use tools like Podcastle’s video enhancer and seamless video cropping to improve your video’s quality. Investing a little extra time in making your content look professional can pay off significantly in terms of engagement.

6) Engage with Your Audience

Engaging with your audience is a great way to build a loyal following. Respond to comments, ask questions, and encourage viewers to interact with your content. The more you engage with your audience, the more likely they will engage with your videos. This can help boost your video’s visibility and increase your chances of going viral.

Final Thoughts

So there you have it—a comprehensive guide to making TikTok videos that shine and reach your audience. Whether you're just starting or looking to elevate your TikTok game, these tips will help you create engaging content and navigate the platform like a pro. Remember, the world of TikTok is always evolving, so stay creative and keep experimenting. So start thinking: what unique ideas will you apply to your next TikTok video to make it go viral?

But you know what's even better? Using an AI-powered platform to help you record, edit, and publish your work faster than ever before. If that sounds like something you'd want to try out, check out Podcastle's free video editor and its AI features!


How to make a TikTok video with pictures and music?

To create a TikTok video with pictures and music, follow these steps:

  1. Open the TikTok App: Launch TikTok on your Android or iOS device.
  2. Tap Create (Plus Sign): At the bottom of the screen, tap the plus sign to start a new video.
  3. Upload Your Pictures: Tap the "Upload" button to select and add pictures from your gallery.
  4. Add Music: Tap "Add Sound" at the top of the screen to browse TikTok’s music library. Choose a track that fits your video.
  5. Edit Your Video: Arrange your pictures, apply transitions, and adjust the music timing to match your content.
  6. Publish Your Video: Tap "Next" to add hashtags and adjust your settings. Finally, tap "Post" to share your video.

How to delete a TikTok video?

To delete a TikTok video:

  1. Open TikTok: Go to the TikTok app and tap on your profile icon to view your videos.
  2. Select the Video: Find the video you want to delete and tap on it to open it.
  3. Tap the Three Dots: Tap the three dots (or the "..." icon) at the bottom right of the screen.
  4. Choose Delete: Select "Delete" from the menu that appears. Confirm your choice to remove the video from your profile.

How to see who viewed your TikTok?

TikTok does not currently provide a feature that shows who has viewed your videos. However, you can see the number of views and likes each video has received. To check this:

  1. Open TikTok: Launch the app and go to your profile.
  2. View Your Videos: Tap on any video to see its view count and likes. While you can’t see specific viewers, you can gauge the popularity of your content through these metrics.
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