These Are the Best Podcasts for Women in 2024

Male-presented podcasts are great. But sometimes, you just want to listen to something created for you by people like you.

Whether you’re looking for actionable parenting advice from a mom who gets it or a super candid laugh-fest that feels like entering a ladies’ bathroom on a night out, we’ve got you covered. Keep reading to discover our top 10 best podcasts for women in 2024.

1) Womanica

If you need yet another reminder of how brilliant women are, just tune into Womanica. Each episode tells the inspirational story of an iconic woman who host Jenny Kaplan believes you should know about. Past episodes include the brief yet insightful biographies of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Shirley Temple, Maya Angelou, and many, many more.

Episodes are released every weekday and are between 5 and 12 minutes long, so you can listen while you fix your morning coffee.

2) Katherine Ryan: Telling Everybody Everything

Comedian Katherine Ryan is, in three words, hilarious, clever, and candid. Now we mention it: her podcast, Telling Everyone Everything, can be described in these terms, too.

Each week, Ryan talks openly about whatever is on her mind, trending online or going on in the Ryan-Koostra household. Topics range from her honest thoughts on potty training to breaking news stories and everything in between.

As for the format? Well, listening to this podcast feels a bit like receiving a weekly voice note from your best friend, TV’s Katherine Ryan.

3) Working Hard, Hardly Working

Entrepreneur Grace Beverley is a force to be reckoned with, helming three businesses at just 27 years old. So, it makes sense that she hosts a female-focused podcast all about success.

But Working Hard, Hardly Working is far from a conventional business podcast. Beverley and her entrepreneurial guests discuss their paths to success, yes, but they also open up about things that went wrong along the way, health and wellness, and creating the life that you love.

4) Private Parts Unknown

Destigmatization is the name of the game when it comes to Private Parts Unknown. Really, no topic is off host Courtney Kocak’s table in this no-holds-barred, sex-positive show.

Each week, Kocak is joined by a new guest (or guests) for a hilarious and intimate conversation about sex, love, and relationships. From queer identities and polyamory to the realities of sex work and breakups, this podcast offers something for every woman.

5) Spinning Plates with Sophie Ellis-Bextor

Murder on the Dancefloor singer Sophie Ellis-Bextor is a powerhouse, having released seven studio albums in between becoming a mother to five boys. It begs the question — how does she do it all?

Spinning Plates is the perfect listen for any overtired, overburdened moms out there. In each episode, Ellis-Bextor and her guests discuss the realities of motherhood, their strategies for balancing everything, and how they find time for themselves.

6) The History Chicks

Ladies, isn’t it annoying that so much of our history was written by men? And where are all the women!?

The History Chicks reminds us that women make up half the population (always have and always will). With over 300 episodes and counting, Beckett Graham and Susan Vollenweid venture back through thousands of years in history to tell the stories of the incredible women who men forgot to include in their history books.

7) Stuff Mom Never Told You

Stuff Mom Never Told You, a podcast that deep-dives into the challenges facing women and marginalized communities around the world, is a breath of fresh air.

Hosts Anney Reese and Samantha McVey tackle a range of topics from an intersectional feminist perspective, including gender differences in healthcare, politics, online dating, and so much more.

8) You Are Not Broken

Looking to discover a new lease of life in your middle age? Dr. Kelly Casperson, MD, has you covered.

In a humorous yet educational style, You Are Not Broken is here to shed light on how to enjoy the best sex possible in your midlife Whether you’re going through menopause or not, in a long-term relationship or not, Dr. Casperson combines mind work and body science to give you the answers you need.

9) The Receipts Podcast

Where our mothers had Agony Aunt columns, we have The Receipts Podcast.

And #TheReceiptsPodcast has #NoFilter. This show covers any topic, with hosts Tolani Shoneye and Audrey Indome chatting female-focused news stories, sharing drama from their personal lives, and offering advice on listeners’ own dilemmas.

10) Unf*ck Your Brain

Do you ever feel like your brain has been totally messed up by social programming? It’s time to reverse that with the Unf*ck Your Brain podcast.

Hosted by Kara Loewentheil, a life coach and feminist, this show aims to help anxious and insecure women overcome their internal issues caused by outdated societal expectations. Tune in to hear Loewentheil’s practical tips for changing your thinking to help you feel more confident and get what you really want out of life. What’s not to love?

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