How to Create a Podcast Episode Outline

A podcast episode outline is your foundational tool for assembling an episode of your podcast from the ground up. You can think of it as a blueprint, a step-by-step guide that first ensures you have all the necessary elements to build what you intend, and then helps you to assemble those pieces in the correct order.

The best way to treat your outline is as a high-level structural framework for the episode. It should include key points, headings, and subheadings that guide the overall flow and organization of the episode.

Is a Podcast Outline the Same as a Podcast Script?

No! Creating a podcast script and creating a podcast outline serve different purposes in the podcasting process. A podcast script is a detailed document that contains the actual spoken content of the episode and is often followed closely during recording sessions. In contrast, a podcast outline is a structured guide that helps podcasters organize their thoughts and maintain a coherent flow while allowing for improvisation and flexibility in delivering the content during recording.

Why Should You Use a Podcast Outline Template?

While each episode of your podcast will necessarily need a separate outline, you don’t have to start the process completely from scratch each time when you’ve got a template.

To help with the outlining process, we have included free outline template PDFs for two common podcast formats:

1) A standard podcast with one or more hosts:

2) An interview podcast:

Using either of these templates when creating a podcast episode outline can offer several benefits to podcasters, including:


Templates provide a structured framework, helping podcasters organize their thoughts and content in a logical order. This makes it easier to create a coherent and engaging episode.


A template ensures consistency across episodes. Consistent structure and format make it easier for listeners to follow and understand your content. It also helps in establishing a recognizable style for your podcast.


Templates save time by providing a pre-designed format. Podcasters can focus on creating content rather than spending time figuring out the structure of each episode. This efficiency is particularly valuable for podcasters with regular release schedules.

Content Planning

Having a template encourages podcasters to plan their content more effectively. It prompts them to consider key elements such as the introduction, main content, interview questions, transitions, and conclusion. This can result in a more engaging and well-thought-out episode.


Templates can include consistent elements like intros, outros, and segment transitions, contributing to the overall branding of the podcast. A cohesive and recognizable brand helps in building a loyal audience.

Accessibility for Collaborators

If multiple people are involved in creating the podcast, using a template ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding the episode's structure and content. It streamlines collaboration and reduces the chances of overlooking essential elements.

Listener Expectations

Consistent episode outlines help set expectations for your audience. Listeners may come to anticipate certain segments or elements, creating a sense of familiarity that can enhance the overall listening experience.


While templates provide structure, they are also flexible. Podcasters can adapt and customize them to suit the specific needs of each episode while maintaining a foundational structure.


Having a template can serve as a checklist for podcasters, ensuring that they cover all necessary elements in each episode. It helps maintain a level of quality and professionalism in content creation.

In summary, using one of our templates can help you save time, maintain a consistent level of quality, enhance your organization, and increase audience engagement. Not bad for a humble free podcast outline template pdf!

How to Outline a Podcast

While our free podcast templates can help you organize your process, there is still a good amount of research and creative work to do in order to complete your podcast outline. The good news is that the work flows naturally when you proceed through the following steps:

1) Find The Episode’s Big Theme and Hook

To kickstart your podcast episode outline, zero in on the episode's central theme and craft a compelling hook. The big theme acts as the anchor, guiding your narrative, while the hook serves as the unique introduction that draws listeners in.

The big theme should be a clear, overarching idea that not only captures attention but sustains it. Think of it as the guiding principle shaping your content. Simultaneously, the hook is your initial engagement — a question, fact, or anecdote designed to pique curiosity and entice your audience.

Align the theme and hook with your podcast's overall message and tailor them to your target audience. These elements are the nucleus of your episode, influencing every aspect of your outline.

2) List the Key Topics and Subtopics

Once you've established the overarching theme and hook for your podcast episode, the next crucial step in crafting a robust podcast episode outline is to list the key topics and their corresponding subtopics.

Identify the main topics that align with your episode's theme. These are the pillars supporting your narrative, providing a structured framework for your content. Each main topic should represent a significant aspect of your chosen theme, serving as a chapter in the overarching story you aim to tell.

As you delve deeper, break down each main topic into its essential subtopics. These are the intricate details, the finer points that enrich your conversation. Subtopics ensure depth and thorough coverage, offering a comprehensive exploration of your main themes.

3) Fill in the Talking Points

With the skeletal structure of your podcast episode outline taking shape through the establishment of the theme, hook, key topics, and subtopics, the next crucial step is to breathe life into your narrative by filling in the talking points.

Think of talking points as the currency of engagement in the podcasting arena. These are the nuggets of information, anecdotes, or key insights that will animate your dialogue. Each talking point serves as a beacon, guiding your monologue or conversation through the planned topics and ensuring a dynamic interaction for your audience.

Don't merely view talking points as a script to be recited verbatim. Embrace the fluidity of conversation by allowing room for spontaneity. Think of them as signposts, directing the overall direction while leaving space for authentic exchanges that can arise during the recording.

To execute this step effectively, delve into the nuances of each subtopic. What specific information or anecdotes will enhance your narrative? How can you present these talking points in a manner that captivates your audience? Balancing informativeness with a conversational tone is key to keeping your listeners engaged.

4) Adjust the Episode's Sequence

Now it’s time to fine-tune the sequence of your content. Consider your outline as a storyboard, each segment contributing to the overall narrative arc. Begin by evaluating the natural flow of your content. Does the sequence of topics provide a smooth transition from one point to the next? Aim for coherence, where each element logically connects, creating a smooth listening experience for your audience.

The goal is to maintain a balance between maintaining the audience's interest and ensuring the logical development of your narrative. As you adjust the sequence, consider the ebb and flow of conversation. Are there opportunities for peaks of intensity followed by moments of reflection? Craft a sequence that sustains engagement while avoiding monotony.

Keep attuned to the emotional journey you want your audience to experience. Does the episode build to a climax, or is there a gradual crescendo of information? Adjusting the sequence allows you to control the pacing, enhancing the overall impact of your podcast.

To execute this step effectively, step into the listener's shoes. How would they perceive the progression of topics? Is there a natural order that enhances comprehension and engagement? Strive for a sequence that not only captures attention from the start but sustains it until the episode's conclusion.

5) Plan Your Conclusion

This stage involves identifying key takeaways, structuring your closing remarks, and filling in the episode credits.

Firstly, distill the essence of your episode into key takeaways. These are the nuggets of wisdom and memorable insights that you want to emphasize. Summarize the main points concisely, reinforcing the core messages of your podcast. What do you want your audience to remember? Bullet out your closing remarks with these points in mind.

Tick off all the people and resources you need to acknowledge in your conclusion. This includes the contributors, music, or any external elements that enriched your episode. Maintain a balanced pace to avoid abrupt endings, ensuring that your audience feels the natural conclusion of your podcast rather than an abrupt halt.

Tips for Using the Free Podcast Outline Templates

Remember, the provided templates are tools to enhance your podcasting experience, not rigid rules. They are designed to provide structure while allowing room for creativity and spontaneity. Let your templates evolve and grow, continually shaping them to contain the perfect outline for the show as it currently is, or how you wish it to be in the future.

Flexibility is Key

Embrace the fluid nature of podcasting. While the templates provide a solid structure, don't hesitate to adapt and modify it based on the evolving needs of your podcast. Flexibility allows for spontaneity and ensures your content remains dynamic and engaging.

Tailor It  to Your Style

Every podcast has its own voice and style. Customize the templates to align with your podcast's structure and tone, ensuring that the outline serves as a facilitator rather than a rigid script. This personal touch enhances authenticity and makes it easier to incorporate the unique sensibility that you bring to the medium.

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