Why Niche is the New Viral

Wannabe content creators always hear the same advice: Go viral!

‘Go viral!’ they say as if that’s the answer to everything.

But building an online presence that’ll stand the test of time is about far more than going viral.

And catering to small, passionate communities can be infinitely more rewarding. This is called finding your ‘niche.’

So, what does it mean to find your niche? And what are the benefits of crafting content for a specific audience? Let’s take a closer look.

There’s no formula for going viral

No matter what others say, there is no formula for going viral. Sure, there are tips and tricks that can help you on your way, such as optimizing your YouTube video’s thumbnails and titles or using viral sounds on TikTok, but that’s all they are — tips and tricks.

The truth is, there’s no guaranteed way to go viral.

Some lightning-in-a-bottle creators like Addison Rae and Lil Nas X had stardom thrust upon them when they were just having fun on social media, whereas others, like MrBeast or NikkieTutorials, were creating content for years before they gained any meaningful traction.

Not to mention, most truly viral videos are uploaded not by professional creators but by everyday people having fun.


Viral does not equal fame and fortune

Having one or even two videos go viral doesn’t mean you’ll find immediate success. Just think how many creators fail to capitalize on viral opportunities.

Or worse, those who went all-in on the moment that catapulted them into the limelight — and are forever defined by that moment.

Because for every Bo Burnham, there’s a Rebecca Black. And for every Liza Koshy, there’s a ‘The Backpack Kid.’ You know, the one that popularized flossing.

So, if you want to build a supportive community and find longevity as a creator, you need to establish yourself in a niche.

The power of niching down

Have you ever heard the saying, ‘When you speak to everyone, you speak to no one?’

This quote from Seth Godin (who’s practically a marketing legend at this point) translates to this:

You’re better off creating content targeted at a small yet passionate audience than trying to appeal to a broad, generic audience.

Why? Because you’re much more likely to reach an engaged audience who is interested in what you have to say.

This is called ‘niching down,’ which essentially means focusing your content creation efforts on targeting a smaller audience that shares a particular interest or preference. If you want proof that this works, just look at creators who are killing it in their niche, like Cleo Abrams (optimistic science reporting), Marques Brownlee (tech reviews), and Dr. Sandra Lee (A.K.A. Dr. Pimple Popper).

So, what are the benefits of niching down?

Be a big fish in a small pond. Just think about how hard it would be to break into the beauty community in 2024. Or fitness. Or gaming. Really, any community that already has several well-established leaders. You’ll face less competition when targeting more niche interests that haven’t become oversaturated, like SFX make-up, fitness for moms, or cozy gaming, which is having a real moment.

A tight-knit, loyal fan base. Content on more obscure interests is harder to come by than on popular topics like ‘sports’ or ‘books.’ So, when you meet a currently unfulfilled need, people are more likely to come back for more, helping you build a loyal fan base over time.

Higher engagement. Micro-creators may have smaller followings, but they have opportunities to build much closer relationships with their fans, leading to higher engagement, such as subscriptions, likes, and shares.

How to dominate in your content niche

Do you get the importance of the whole ‘niching’ thing but still feel unsure about how to go about doing it? Here’s our advice on how to dominate in your niche.

Find your niche. First, you have to find a niche that interests you and that you can consistently create lots of content around. We suggest thinking about your personal interests and hobbies and considering how you can make them as niche as possible. Ideally, your niche shouldn’t be oversaturated by other creators or should target a very specific audience.

If you’re feeling suck, here are some examples of niches to get the juices flowing:

Yoga for chronic pain management
– Antique typewriter restoration
– Underwater photography
– Miniature food crafting
– Sims 4 speedrunning

Understand who your audience is. Ask yourself questions that will help you create the best content possible for them. What kind of formats do they most enjoy? Where do they hang out online? What subjects will they find the most entertaining/engaging/educational?

Create quality content. Quality always comes first. When you create amazing content that people find value in, you increase your chances of attracting a loyal audience.

Engage with the community. Niche communities are typically very close-knit, so make the most of this by jumping in head-first. Try responding to fans’ messages and diving into the comment section on similar creators’ videos.

Collaborate with other creators! Finally, why not cross-pollinate your following with other creators in your niche? Audiences love seeing their faves collaborating.

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