These Are the Top Metaverse Podcasts in 2025

The Metaverse is a fascinating concept that's gained enormous attention over the years. It's essentially a virtual 3D universe where people can meet, work, and socialize. Think of it as a more immersive version of the internet, with virtual reality playing a big role.

If you're curious about the Metaverse and want to learn more, listening to metaverse podcasts is a great way to dive in. These podcasts cover a wide range of topics, from virtual economies and blockchain technology to digital identity and decentralized governance.

You'll also learn about how cryptocurrencies and NFTs fit into the metaverse ecosystem, and how they can be used to create digital economies and virtual collectibles. Some episodes even explore popular games like Roblox, which are already giving us a glimpse into what the Metaverse might look like in the future.

So, if you're ready to explore this exciting new frontier, check out some of the best metaverse podcasts we've rounded up for you!


1. The Metaverse Podcast

A completely new web is developing across Ethereum and Bitcoin and promises a new computing paradigm and data economy. The Metaverse Podcast is a show that will help you understand the collaboration, technology, and influences around the Open Metaverse and gain actionable advice that will help you analyze the space deeper. The host Jamie Burke, the CEO & founder of Outlier Ventures, interviews different entrepreneurs, investors, founders, and more who are shaping the Open Metaverse, Web 3, and the future of digital interaction. So join these exciting discussions to go deeper into the Meta world.

2. Hello Metaverse

As our world becomes more digitalized, many of us have fears and anxiety for the future as we don't understand how the digital world will change our society and culture. It is difficult to understand that our physical barriers such as work, entertainment, learning, and growing will be out of the physical world. But instead of fearing and waiting for the day to come, it is better to explore and understand what it is and be ready for the changes. Hello Metaverse, hosted by Annie Zhang, is a perfect metaverse podcast that will help you to define and shape your future. Check out the weekly episodes for interesting discussion.

3. Building the Open Metaverse

The Metaverse will be an immersive and open network for social engagement, gaming, and enterprise collaboration. Listening to this metaverse podcast, you will learn how technologies like AR wearables, real-world scans, VR, and game engines will support to enable the Metaverse. The hosts of Building the Open Metaverse, Marc Petit and Patrick Cozzi, pass interviews with various experts to share their perceptions on the digital peculiarities and the community that will build the Metaverse.

4. Welcome to the Metaverse

As the internet changes our lives, the Metaverse will change it again, and we should be ready for it. Listening to the Welcome to Metaverse podcast, you will dive deep into such topics as NFTs, Crypto, the Metaverse, and everything in between. Every Wednesday, you can dive into the virtual world with the host Luke Franks.

5. Living in the Metaverse

This metaverse podcast comes from Business Daily and features some of the famous thinkers on the Metaverse, like Manuel Bronstein from Roblox, who shows us what it looks like living in the Metaverse with this game. Listening to the Living in the Metaverse podcast, you will augment the virtual world with a different object with a real-life equivalent. During each episode, relevant topics are explored and discussed, like how the virtual and real-world will bring new economic opportunities and much more.

6. The Money Movement

The Money Movement is a helpful podcast that explores the ideas and opportunities that will drive the new world of digital money. The global economy is experiencing massive changes, and hundreds of business leaders and entrepreneurs are searching for ways to transform their companies into digital and efficient.

In parallel, a new global movement is coming around with digital currencies and blockchains, which will form a new economy and open new opportunities. The host, Jeremy Allaire, explores all these Money Movement during this metaverse podcast with different experts, economists, entrepreneurs, gamers, and others. Tune in to have the latest global updates.

7. Metaverse Insider

The “Metaverse Insider” podcast is a go-to resource for anyone interested in the latest trends and developments in the Web3, metaverse, blockchain gaming, and NFT markets. Hosted by experts in the field, each episode dives deep into various aspects of these cutting-edge technologies, featuring interviews with industry leaders, game and NFT reviews, and insightful discussions on innovative projects.

The podcast covers a wide range of topics, such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) advancements, NFT collectible platforms, and the impact of blockchain on gaming. For example, recent episodes have explored the integration of NFTs into Fortnite, the rise of digital toy collections like Cryptoys, and the evolution of web3 gaming infrastructure with projects like Immutable-X.


The world is becoming digitalized more and more, so check out our list of best metaverse podcasts and follow the updates to be ready for the changes. Mark Zuckerberg has already announced that the Metaverse will be a new successor to the mobile internet, and everyone will feel present with other people no matter the distance.

So, see you in the Metaverse!

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