The 9 Best Solo Podcasts of All Times! The Treasure List Here!

Solo podcasting is not everyone’s cup of tea. It’s the show of one host, where no co-hosts or show guests appear. So, if you want to add the best solo podcasts to your playlist, you should ensure your chosen hosts are blessed with charisma and natural communication to keep you engaged throughout the show.

We know it might be hard to cherrypick the best solo podcasts by guesswork. Therefore, we’re here with the list of shows that many avid podcast listeners prefer. As those podcasters managed to win the hearts of millions of listeners, we think they will touch your soul as well.

Well, let’s not wait any longer. Scroll down the list, and … thank us later!

#9 The Sarah Silverman Podcast

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Join American comedian, actress, and writer Sarah Silverman, who talks about everything in her show. Sarah often touches on controversial topics like religion, racism, politics, etc. Formerly, Silverman starred in her show The Sarah Silverman Podcast, which brought her two Primetime Emmy Awards.

#8 The Rob Auton Daily Podcast

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If you'd like to enjoy engaging short stories with a Yorkshire accent, turn on the show. Rob Auton is live daily, sharing his poetry with the audience. The podcast won the Gold Prize at British Podcast Awards in 2020, and the chances are high that it's going to become your favorite comedy show.

#7 You Must Remember This

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You Must Remember This is a great storytelling podcast about the mystic stories of Hollywood. The show is hosted by former LA Weekly film critic Karina Longworth, who will navigate you through conflicting reports and the mythology of Hollywood life. So, if you're a lover of behind-the-scenes stories, this podcast will reveal the other side of movies and stars for you.

#6 Live From the 405

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What does it feel to live in LA? Luke Allen will tell you all about it in his podcast. Living in LA (in the LA traffic, if more precisely), Luke shares his social observations, reviews, and complaints about LA life. Through the wrap-up of his weekly life in the USA, you can see the real picture of what many people call "an American Dream."

#5 Have You Heard George’s Podcast?

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George the Poet, a black man from Africa speaks up about the black people's rights and desired freedom globally. He highlights the large diaspora of black people and the vast popularity of black artists globally, hoping this will contribute to the equality of all races in the world. The show is award-winning and critically acclaimed.

#4 Myths and Legends

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Jason Weiser reveals the magic of myths and folklore behind every culture we know today. Get ready to get surprised when hearing the true origins of well-known stories like Aladdin, Hercules, and others. Myths and Legends are stories about wizards, kings, dragons, and princesses, told so that your modern ear will love them.

#3 The Lazy Genious Podcast

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Who said laziness is bad? It turns out that being lazy about certain things is even beneficial for people. If it sounds confusing for you, turn on The Lazy Genius, where Kendra Adachi will tell you which things need to have your close attention and which ones don't even worth your time. It seems what we all need to differentiate, right?

#2 Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History

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We bet you at least once thought of things Dan Carlin covers in her Hardcore History podcast. For example, what type of person was Alexander the Great? What if the ancient people had the technological weapons that modern humans have? Finally, will our civilization fall one day, like those from the past? Dan's brain wanders back and forth between the present and past and invites you to join the exploration.

#1 Say Your Mind

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Your podcasting playlist can be enriched with a new exciting episode of Say Your Mind every Monday. Once a week, Kelecki Okafor publishes a new show with her unique take on tarot, current happenings, and pop culture. Listeners are welcome to send letters and tarot questions to the podcast's email address and get interactive communication.

To wrap up

Here you are, with the list of the best solo podcasts that can make your weekends or commute more enjoyable. The podcasters from the above list manage to win the hearts of millions, and it's your turn to give them a try.

Happy listening, everyone!