Is Rainbolt the Godfather of Geoguessers?

Telephone poles. Bollards. Licence plates. What do these three things have in common?

If you guessed that they’re the first three things you should master when learning the language of GeoGuessing, you’d be right. At least, according to Trevor Rainbolt, one of the world’s top GeoGuessers.

Today, we’re diving into the world of GeoGuessing and answering the question everyone’s asking… Is Rainbolt the godfather of Geoguessers?

Who is Rainbolt? And what is GeoGuessr?

Known online as Rainbolt, Trevor Rainbolt makes a living playing GeoGuessr and posting gameplay footage online. As of August 2024, @georainbolt has 2.9M followers on TikTok and 1.67M subscribers to his RAINBOLT TWO YouTube channel, which he uploads to almost daily.

In fact, he’s the name ‘Rainbolt’ has become so synonymous with GeoGuessr that the creator has even hosted pro GeoGuessing tournaments online. If you’ve not heard of this online game before, don’t worry; we’ll clue you in.

The premise is simple: GeoGuessr is an online game in which players guess the location of an image taken from Google Street View, accruing points based on how accurate their guess is. Launched in 2013, GeoGuessr had a small but dedicated fan base — until the world locked down in 2020.

So, you may be wondering how such a niche game became so popular. To that, we say, never underestimate the power of the internet. From Among Us to Stardew Valley and now GeoGuessr, plenty of games have found mainstream popularity thanks to the internet.

And this is a trend we’ve only seen rising since the COVID pandemic. A lot happened in 2020; between the worldwide pandemic and the subsequent rise of everyone’s favorite video app, TikTok, a new breed of content creators was born. Enter Rainbolt.

Like many of us, Rainbolt spent the lockdown enjoying his hobbies, which just so happened to include playing the game GeoGuessr. While he first created his account in 2019, he found popularity in the following years thanks to his unique gameplay style.

And this is what intrigued viewers; while GeoGuessr was not a new content niche, no creators had breached the boundaries of the mainstream. Here’s how Rainbolt did it.

1) He’s highly skilled

His entertaining content introduced a whole new audience to GeoGuessing; even those who don’t play the game have been amazed by his sheer level of skill. He can identify locations based on clues others would overlook, like road signs or even soil type.

2) He upped the ante

Rainbolt often adds challenging limitations to his gameplay, such as having to guess a location from a blurred image (difficult) or in 0.01 seconds (insane).

3) He creates a variety of content

Rainbolt doesn’t just upload gameplay content. He also runs a YouTube channel where he posts a greater variety of content, such as videos where he tracks down locations from viral clips or reacts to other creators’ GeoGuessr footage.

4) He interacts with fans

Rainbolt’s fans like to challenge him to seemingly impossible tasks, like figuring out where they are based on a photo or even a snap taken out of an airplane window. And he always tracks them down.

5) He shares his knowledge

There’s no gatekeeping here. Rainbolt often walks viewers through how he found a location, sharing tips and strategies with fans.

The art of identifying emerging niches

Content creators wanting to hit the big time have two options: jump on an existing trend or try and find a niche to dominate. The latter option can often be more rewarding, but identifying emerging trends isn’t easy. To help you get started, here are our top tips for identifying emerging content niches on platforms like YouTube and TikTok.

1) Follow online conversations

One of the best ways to find content niches is to track rising hashtags on social media platforms. There are several tools that can help you dig into the data, or you can do this manually.

2) Dive into subreddits

So many trends start on Reddit; this is in part because the platform gives fans a place to congregate and discuss their shared interests. Keeping an eye on subreddits relevant to your interests is a great way to identify up-and-coming communities before they blow up.

3) Run a content audit

Leveraging a niche doesn’t have to mean creating something totally new. If you have a topic you’re knowledgeable about or a hobby you enjoy, take a look at what content already exists and hunt for any gaps that can be filled.

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