From 0 to 1M: How to Get Subscribers on YouTube

How do you get people to subscribe to your channel?

While it might seem that it has to do a lot with simple luck, the truth is that you can actually improve your chances of getting noticed and subscribed by your viewers if you follow a couple of simple yet efficient steps.

After all, the YouTube algorithm is just that: YouTube algorithm, and you can learn how to hack it!

Here are some quick tips on how to get subscribers on YouTube and see your channel grow.

How to get more subscribers on YouTube: 20 short and sweet tips

From the way your thumbnails look, to how you engage with your audience, here are 20 quick tips with actionable steps on how to get more subscribers on YouTube and see your channel grow to new heights!

1) Create compelling thumbnails

Best thumbnails

Thumbnails are the first thing people notice when they’re browsing. A boring or confusing thumbnail can make someone scroll right past your video, no matter how amazing the content is. So make sure your thumbnail is attractive to the viewer so that they actually click on it and do not scroll right past it.

Here’s what to do:

  • – Use bright colors and bold text to catch attention.
  • – Keep your thumbnails consistent with your branding (fonts, colors, etc.).
  • – Include close-up images of faces when possible—people connect with emotions.

Pro tips:

  • – Always test different styles to see what works best.
  • – Keep your thumbnails simple so they’re easy to recognize, even on a small screen.

A killer thumbnail is one of the easiest ways to get more subscribers on YouTube because it helps increase your video’s visibility.

2) Write catchy titles

Best youtube video titles

Just like thumbnails, titles are a way to attract your viewers’ attention and make them curious about your content. Your video title is like a headline. If it’s not interesting, no one will click on it, which means your subscriber count won’t grow.

Here’s what to do:

  • – To make the title stand out, use numbers, questions, or trigger words like "how" or "why."
  • – Keep it concise (around 60 characters) to avoid getting cut off in searches.
  • – Always include a relevant keyword that describes your video.

Pro tips:

  • – Experiment with different styles to see what drives clicks.
  • – A/B test your titles if you want to see which works better.

Writing strong titles can boost YouTube subscribers by driving more views, which leads to more chances to gain those precious followers.

3) Post consistently

You’ve probably heard it enough times, but here’s an additional reminder: consistency is key to building an audience. If people know when to expect your content, they will likely stick around and hit that subscribe button.

Here’s what to do:

  • – Create a content calendar to plan your uploads.
  • – Stick to a schedule—whether it's weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.
  • – Let your audience know when to expect new videos.

Pro tips:

  • – Start slow and gradually build up if you're new to creating content.
  • – Test different posting days and times to see what works best for your audience.

Consistency can help you increase YouTube subscribers because it keeps your content at the top of your viewers' minds.

4) Optimize your channel description

how to write youtube descriptions

Your channel description is like your “about me” section. It tells viewers what they can expect from your content, which can make or break their decision to subscribe. That’s why you should use it smartly: include everything your future subscribers need to know about your channel, but also don’t make it too dull to read.

Here’s what to do:

  • – Write a brief, engaging description of what your channel is about.
  • – Include relevant keywords related to your niche to help with search rankings.
  • – Add links to your other social platforms or websites.

Pro tips:

  • – Update your channel description as your content evolves.
  • – Keep it simple, but don’t forget to mention the value your content provides.

A well-optimized description is one of the easiest ways to gain followers on YouTube, as it helps new viewers understand the benefits of subscribing.

5) Engage with your audience

If you want your viewers to click on that subscribe button, you have to make them feel personally connected to you and your content. Engaging with your audience does just that: it builds a connection with your audience and makes them feel valued and a part of a community. It’s one of the best ways to gain subscribers on YouTube.

Here’s what to do:

  • – Respond to comments on your videos.
  • – Ask questions in your videos to encourage interaction.
  • – Create polls or community posts to engage directly with your viewers.

Pro tips:

  • – Be genuine in your interactions—people can tell if you’re being fake.
  • – Take feedback from your audience and incorporate it into future content.

Engagement boosts the chances that viewers will hit the subscribe button, which directly helps you get more subscribers on YouTube.

6) Use end screens and cards

Image showing how to optimize YouTube end screen with YouTube cards

Even if the viewer wants to subscribe to the channel, they might forget about it by the end of your video. End screens and cards are built-in YouTube tools that help you promote more of your content and remind your viewers that your channel has other similar videos that they might like. They can guide viewers to your other content and encourage them to subscribe.

Here’s what to do:

  • – Add an end screen to every video that features a subscribe button.
  • – Use cards to direct viewers to related videos or playlists.
  • – Make sure your end screen fits your branding and doesn’t overwhelm the viewer.

Pro tips:

  • – Use end screens to remind viewers to subscribe after watching.
  • – Keep cards relevant to the current video so they don’t feel out of place.

Using end cards can help boost YouTube subscribers by guiding viewers to more of your content, increasing the chances of them hitting that subscribe button.

7) Collaborate with other YouTubers

Collaborating with other YouTubers allows you to tap into their audience and potentially grow your own subscriber count. It’s like getting an introduction to a group of people who are already interested in content similar to yours. Plus, working with others can bring fresh ideas and energy to your channel, keeping things exciting for both you and your viewers.

Here’s what to do:

  • – Find creators in your niche and reach out for potential collaborations.
  • – Plan content that benefits both of you, such as a co-hosted video or a shout-out.
  • – Be open to various types of collaborations, from interviews to challenges.

Pro tips:

  • – Make sure to collaborate with channels that align with your style and audience.
  • – Always promote your collabs on all of your platforms.

Collaborations are a powerful way to reach new YouTube followers, helping you gain subscribers faster.

8) Share videos on other platforms

Image showing how to repurpose video content

Sharing your videos outside of YouTube can drive more traffic to your channel, leading to a higher chance of new subscribers. It helps you reach audiences who might not discover your content through YouTube’s algorithm alone. On top of that, promoting your videos across different platforms builds a stronger brand presence, making your content more memorable and easier to find.

Here’s what to do:

  • Repurpose and share your videos on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
  • – Use relevant hashtags to reach more people.
  • – Create short teaser clips for platforms like TikTok or Instagram Stories.

Pro tips:

  • – Tailor your posts for each platform—what works on Instagram might not work on Twitter.
  • – Don’t forget to include a call-to-action, encouraging people to subscribe.

Cross-promoting your content helps drive traffic back to your channel and can help increase YouTube subscribers over time.

9) Offer value in every video

People subscribe to channels that offer them something—whether that’s entertainment, education, or inspiration. If your videos consistently provide value, viewers are more likely to subscribe.

Here’s what to do:

  • – Make sure every video you create either solves a problem or entertains your audience.
  • – Clearly explain the takeaway or value proposition of each video early on.
  • – Always aim to over-deliver on what you promise in your titles or thumbnails.

Pro tips:

  • – Be consistent with the type of value you provide (e.g., tutorials, how-tos, or entertainment).
  • – Ask for feedback to ensure you’re meeting audience expectations.

Offering value is a great way to build trust with your audience and boost YouTube subscribers in the long run.

10) Host giveaways

People love free stuff! Hosting a giveaway can create buzz around your channel and encourage people to subscribe. It’s a fun and interactive way to engage with your audience while offering them something valuable.

Here’s what to do:

  • – Announce your giveaway and let viewers know that subscribing is part of the entry requirements.
  • – Choose a prize that’s relevant to your audience.
  • – Promote the giveaway on social media and in the video itself.

Pro tips:

  • – Set clear rules for participation to avoid confusion.
  • – Don’t overdo it—too many giveaways can feel spammy.

Hosting a giveaway is a fun little cheat code for making your YouTube followers grow quickly, so make sure you give it a shot.

11) Create playlists for your videos

How to create youtube playlists

Playlists keep viewers watching multiple videos in one go, which means more YouTube views and subscribers for your channel. They help organize your content and make it easier for new visitors to find what they’re interested in. Plus, it boosts your overall watch time, which is a key factor in YouTube’s algorithm.

Here’s what to do:

  • – Group related videos into playlists to create a seamless viewing experience.
  • – Make sure to give each playlist a clear, catchy title that’s easy to find in search results.
  • – Use playlists to guide viewers to your older videos that may have been overlooked.

Pro tips:

  • – Don’t forget to include a mix of your most popular videos and hidden gems.
  • – Encourage viewers to binge-watch by ordering your videos strategically.

Playlists are one of the best ways to gain subscribers on YouTube because they keep viewers on your channel longer, increasing the chances of a new subscriber.

12) Promote your channel in video descriptions

How to write youtube descriptions

A well-crafted video description is a great spot to remind viewers to subscribe. It’s also great for SEO, helping your video rank higher in search results, which leads to more YouTube views and subscribers.

Here’s what to do:

  • – Always add a direct call-to-action to your video description, like “Don’t forget to subscribe for more content!”
  • – Include relevant keywords to help your video appear in search results.
  • – Link to other videos or playlists to keep viewers engaged.

Pro tips:

  • – Update your descriptions regularly, especially for your most-watched videos.
  • – Use tools like TubeBuddy or VidIQ to optimize your descriptions.

You’ll be surprised by how much a simple mention in the description can help your channel, so don’t miss this one.

13) Encourage viewers to turn on notifications

YouTube Notifications

Getting viewers to turn on notifications makes sure they never miss a new upload. When they’re notified, they’re more likely to come back and watch your videos, which will help to increase your YouTube views and, eventually, subscribers.

Here’s what to do:

  • – In your videos, ask viewers to hit the bell icon along with the subscribe button.
  • – Explain why turning on notifications will benefit them (e.g., they’ll be the first to see new content).
  • – You can even remind them in the video description or end screen.

Pro tips:

  • – Add a little humor or personality when asking for notifications—it makes the ask feel less robotic.
  • – Reward viewers who turn on notifications with shout-outs or special mentions.

This is an underrated way to build a loyal audience and gain subscribers who actively engage with your content.

14) Focus on high-quality content

No amount of promotion will help if your content doesn’t deliver. High-quality content is the foundation for getting new subscribers who stay for the long haul. Viewers are much more likely to stick around when they know your videos are consistently well-made and valuable.

Here’s what to do:

  • – Invest in quality recording software, clear audio, and solid editing.
  • – Prioritize quality over quantity—sometimes, fewer but better videos work in your favor.
  • – Make sure your content is focused on providing value, whether that’s through entertainment, education, or inspiration.

Pro tips:

  • – Don’t be afraid to revisit and improve older videos with new edits or updates.
  • – Continuously work on improving your skills and content over time.
  • – Make use of smart features like YouTube chapters to improve your audience's experience as much as possible.
how to add chapters to youtube video

High-quality content is the best way to gain subscribers on YouTube because it leaves a lasting impression and builds credibility.

Tapping into trends can help you reach a broader audience and potentially bring in a wave of new subscribers. People are always searching for the latest trends, and if you create relevant content, you can ride the wave of increased interest.

Here’s what to do:

  • – Keep an eye on trending topics in your niche using tools like Google Trends or YouTube’s trending page.
  • – Incorporate trending keywords into your video titles, descriptions, and tags.
  • – Be quick—strike while the trend is still hot to maximize views.

Pro tips:

  • – Create your own spin on a popular trend to stand out from the crowd.
  • – Don’t rely on trends too much—balance trendy content with your core videos.

By tapping into trends, you can also easily capture the attention of people actively searching for the content at that moment and make them familiar with your channel.

16) Analyze and improve using YouTube analytics

YouTube Analytics gives you insights into what’s working and what’s not, allowing you to make informed decisions that can boost your subscriber count. By tracking your performance, you can see which videos resonate the most and double down on those topics.

Here’s what to do:

  • – Regularly check metrics like watch time, engagement, and retention rates.
  • – Use the data to optimize future content—if one type of video is doing well, make more of it.
  • – Track where your subscribers are coming from and what videos they’re engaging with the most.

Pro tips:

  • – Look at your competitors’ channels for inspiration on what’s working for them.
  • – Use the "Audience" tab to learn more about your viewers’ demographics.

Making data-driven decisions is a great way to gain subscribers and refine your channel for long-term growth.

17) Engage in YouTube communities

Engaging with YouTube’s community features allows you to connect with viewers outside of just your videos. It’s another opportunity to interact with potential new subscribers and show that you’re active and engaged with your audience.

Here’s what to do:

  • – Post polls, questions, or updates using the Community tab.
  • – Respond to comments from viewers to keep the conversation going.
  • – Use community posts to tease upcoming content or ask for feedback.

Pro tips:

  • – Be consistent—post regularly to keep viewers engaged.
  • – Use community posts to promote your latest videos.

Building a relationship with your audience through the Community tab might not make you gain subscribers overnight, but it’s a great strategy in the long run.

18) Improve your video editing skills

Well-edited videos keep viewers watching longer, which improves your chances of gaining a new subscriber. Good editing can make your content more engaging, professional, and easier to follow.

Here’s what to do:

  • – Invest time in learning video editing techniques, such as smooth transitions, good pacing, and clear audio mixing.
  • – Use free or paid editing software to improve your content’s quality.
  • – Watch tutorials to enhance your skills.

Pro tips:

  • – Keep your editing style consistent to build your brand identity.
  • – Don’t over-edit. Simplicity often works best.

Mastering video editing is a crucial skill for all YouTubers, so the sooner you get your hands on it, the better.

19) Create evergreen content

Evergreen content is content that stays relevant over time, making it a valuable asset for gaining long-term YouTube views and subscribers. It’s the kind of video that people will keep searching for months or even years after you’ve posted it.

Here’s what to do:

  • – Focus on topics that don’t go out of style, like tutorials, how-tos, or reviews.
  • – Make sure that your content is easily searchable by using relevant keywords in the title, description, and tags.
  • – Regularly update evergreen content to keep it fresh.

Pro tips:

  • – Promote your evergreen content in newer videos.
  • – Create playlists of your best evergreen content to encourage binge-watching.

Evergreen content is one of the best ways to gain subscribers on YouTube because it keeps working for you long after it’s published.

20) Ask for subscriptions (but don’t overdo it)

Sometimes, people just need a reminder to subscribe. So go ahead and just ask for it! Asking for it directly can make a big difference in converting viewers into new subscribers. However, the key is to be subtle and not too pushy. You don’t want to look desperate.

Here’s what to do:

  • – Include a short, friendly reminder to subscribe in your video intro or outro.
  • – Make sure to explain why subscribing benefits the viewer (e.g., they won’t miss out on future content).
  • – Use a call-to-action on your end screens and video descriptions.

Pro tips:

  • – Don’t over-ask. One or two reminders are enough.
  • – Try to be creative with your request, such as using humor or an interesting visual.

A simple ask is often the easiest way to gain subscribers and grow your channel organically.

A quick reminder: Don’t buy YouTube subscribers

Buying YouTube subscribers might seem like an easy shortcut to boost your numbers, but it can actually do more harm than good in the long run. When you buy YouTube subscribers, you’re not getting real, engaged viewers who care about your content. Instead, you’re getting empty numbers that won’t interact with your videos or help you grow a genuine audience.

Not only that, but YouTube is pretty strict about maintaining an authentic platform. They’re constantly cracking down on fake subscribers, and buying them can put your channel at risk. In some cases, channels have been penalized or even removed for violating YouTube’s guidelines. So, while it might be tempting, it’s definitely not the best way to gain subscribers on YouTube.

Here’s why buying YouTube subscribers is a bad idea:

  1. No engagement: Fake subscribers won’t watch, like, or comment on your videos.
  2. Hurts your credibility: When people see lots of subscribers but little interaction, they can tell something’s off.
  3. Risk of penalties: YouTube can penalize or even remove channels that buy subscribers.
  4. The algorithm works against you: Low engagement rates can hurt your video's ranking in search results.
  5. Waste of money: You’re paying for numbers that don’t offer any real value or help your channel grow.

Final thoughts

In the end, there’s no one magic trick to growing your YouTube channel—it’s all about combining different strategies. From creating eye-catching thumbnails to collaborating with other creators, every small effort adds up. The key is to stay consistent, engage with your audience, and always deliver value.

For content creation, tools like Podcastle make the process smoother and less time-consuming, handling everything from recording and editing to enhancing. With Podcastle, you can focus on what really matters—creating great content and gaining subscribers. Start applying these tips today, and watch your channel grow!

Fun Fact

Who has the most subscribers on YouTube?

American YouTube personality MrBeast is the most-subscribed channel on YouTube, with 320 million subscribers as of October 2024.

How much money do you make on YouTube with 1,000 subscribers?

With 1,000 subscribers, earnings depend on factors like views and ad engagement. On average, you might make around $2 to $5 per 1,000 views, so revenue is more about YouTube views and subscribers than just the subscriber count.

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