The Best Video Essays on YouTube You Must-Watch in 2024

YouTube is home to something special: video essays. These creative long-form videos are a powerful format to explore, dissect, and dive into complex topics.

No topic is left untouched, as you’ll find video essays on YouTube about gaming, conspiracies, social issues, and just about any other subject you could possibly imagine.

To get you started, let’s dive into 15 of the absolute best video essays on YouTube that you simply cannot miss out on.

Best Must-Watch Video Essays on YouTube

1) Best Pop Culture Detective Video Essay: Patriarchy According to The Barbie Movie

What does a doll say about patriarchy? This essay breaks down the deeper meanings hidden within “The Barbie Movie,” using it as a lens to explore gender roles and systemic power dynamics. Pop Culture Detective’s thoughtful analysis peels back the layers of a seemingly light-hearted film, revealing how Barbie’s world reflects our own societal struggles. If you’re into thought-provoking dissections of pop culture, this one will give you plenty to think about long after you hit pause.

2) Best Hmbomberguy Video Essay: Plagiarism and You(Tube)

In a space where originality is key, what happens when creators borrow—too much? Hbomberguy takes on the messy world of plagiarism in the YouTube sphere, offering a critical look at how content creators navigate the fine line between inspiration and outright theft. With sharp humor and detailed examples, this video keeps you both informed and entertained. It’s a must-watch for anyone interested in the ethics of content creation, copyright, and originality in the digital age.

3) Best ContraPoints Video Essay: Canceling

What does it mean to be “canceled,” and who holds the power to do it? In this deeply introspective video essay, ContraPoints tackles the complex social phenomenon of cancel culture. With her signature blend of theatrical presentation and philosophical insight, she dissects the motivations and consequences behind online shaming. Expect an in-depth, nuanced look at both sides of the debate, delivered with wit and thoughtfulness, as Natalie grapples with the complexities of accountability and public perception.

4) Best Super Eyepatch Wolf Video Essay: What The Internet Did To Garfield

Have you ever considered Garfield’s place in internet culture? Super Eyepatch Wolf dives into how the internet turned a lazy orange cat into a bizarre, meme-worthy icon. This video essay is both nostalgic and surreal, exploring how the internet’s collective imagination reshaped a simple comic strip character into something far stranger. It’s a fun and fascinating journey through the weird world of meme culture, with a side of deep reflection on how we transform the things we love.

5) Best Folding Ideas Video Essay: In Search Of A Flat Earth

A journey into the wild world of conspiracy theories, “In Search Of A Flat Earth” is a masterclass in understanding misinformation. Folding Ideas doesn’t just explain the flat Earth theory—he unpacks how people fall into such beliefs and the emotional pull behind them. With a mix of empathy and sharp critique, this essay uncovers the deeper reasons behind why conspiracy theories hold sway over certain communities. Expect a well-researched, captivating narrative that will leave you questioning more than just the shape of the planet.

6)  Best Good Blood Video Essay: Untangling God Of War

In “Untangling God Of War,” Good Blood dives into the mythology, storytelling, and emotional weight behind one of gaming’s most iconic franchises. This essay explores not only the game’s stunning visuals and gameplay but also the complex father-son relationship that sits at its heart. If you’re interested in how video games can tell rich, emotional stories, this essay will leave you with a newfound appreciation for the craft behind God of War.

7)  Best KaptainKristian Video Essay: The Invisible Horror of The Shining

Why does “The Shining” still haunt us decades later? KaptainKristian unravels the subtle techniques Stanley Kubrick used to instill a sense of dread without relying on obvious scares. This essay digs into the film’s sound design, visual cues, and the unsettling feeling that something is always just out of sight. It’s a deep dive into the mechanics of psychological horror, offering a fresh perspective on one of cinema’s most terrifying films.

8)  Best Kirby Ferguson Video Essay: Everything is a Remix

What if nothing is truly original? Kirby Ferguson’s classic video essay series “Everything is a Remix” explores how creativity is often built on the foundation of what came before. This thought-provoking analysis of film, music, and pop culture breaks down the process of copying, transforming, and combining ideas. Ferguson’s approach is simple yet powerful, revealing how innovation often comes from borrowing and adapting rather than inventing something entirely new.

9)  Best CJ the X Video Essay: Objectively Bad Art

What makes art “bad”? CJ the X takes this question head-on in a chaotic and engaging essay that questions the very idea of objective standards in art. With a mix of humor, sarcasm, and deep philosophical musings, this video dismantles the notion that art can be neatly categorized as good or bad. Expect a wild ride through absurdity, as CJ the X challenges viewers to rethink their own opinions on what makes art valuable.

10) Best Bill Wurtz Video Essay: history of the entire world, i guess

Bill Wurtz’s “history of the entire world, i guess” is an absurd, rapid-fire retelling of, well, everything. With colorful animations and a quirky style, this video covers the vast history of the universe in a way that’s both educational and hilarious. Wurtz’s unique sense of humor and fast-paced delivery make this a one-of-a-kind experience, blending entertainment with actual historical insights. It’s a perfect watch if you enjoy learning while also being thoroughly amused.

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