How Markiplier Became The Most Loved Gamer on Earth

Ever wondered how a YouTube gamer could become an internet phenomenon, crash OnlyFans with 'tasteful nudes', and raise millions for charity? Meet Markiplier, the creator who's redefined what it means to be a gaming content creator.

For the 0.001% of internet users who don’t know who Markiplier is, let us introduce you to the most loved gamer on Earth: Mark Fischbach, better known as Markiplier, has been posting to YouTube since 2012 and has amassed over 36 million loyal subscribers, earning him the title of YouTube Gaming Legend.

But how has he retained such a loyal fan base for so many years? Let’s find out.

How did Markiplier become YouTube’s most-loved gamer?

Markiplier began uploading Let’s Play videos all the way back in 2012, mainly focusing on horror games like Amnesia and Five Nights at Freddy's.

Markiplier is just one of hundreds of creators in the gaming space, but he remains one of the most followed and revered. Here’s why.

1) Fans love his personality

There’s no two ways about it: Markiplier is funny. Between his chatty streaming style and his hilarious rage outs when a game is too hard, or he’s annoyed by glitches, he’s developed a trademark sense of humor that viewers love.

2) He diversifies his content

Markiplier has always had a great content strategy that, while versatile, is consistent. For example, Markiplier plays a wide variety of games, often indie horrors, but his videos follow a consistent format, with uploads spread across numerous parts.

He’s also been known to incorporate Try Not to Laugh challenges, charity livestreams, vlogs, and sketches into his posting schedule, which helps keep his channel fresh.

3) He’s ventured beyond YouTube

Never one to rest on his laurels, Markiplier has started several ventures outside of YouTube; he has two podcasts, a clothing line called Cloak, and even lent his voice to Cartoon Network’s show Villainous.

4) He’s known for his charity work

Markiplier is as well known for his charity work as he is for his gaming videos. He regularly hosts fundraising livestreams benefitting a variety of causes, including cancer charities, in honor of his late father.

What works for Markiplier is that he always finds a way to incorporate a sense of levity into his philanthropy. That OnlyFans stunt, for example, started as a way to encourage fans to boost his podcasts: he promised that if his Distractible podcast became the top podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, he’d release his ‘tasteful nudes.’

After they did just that, Markiplier honored his promise, with thousands of fans signing up to his new OnlyFans account. In classic Markiplier fashion, he turned the stunt into a charity fundraiser, donating all money earned to the Cincinnati Children's Hospital and the World Food Program.

5) He prioritizes his connection with his audience

Few YouTubers enjoy as close a connection with their fans as Markiplier. He’s never shied away from sharing personal stories with his audience and openly discusses mental health and personal challenges, creating a shared sense of purpose and community.

What’s more, Markiplier always aims to make his fans feel valued by making time to talk with them online, either through social media or in his live chats.

What can creators learn from Markiplier?

If you want to create a loyal fan base that will stick with you year after year, Markiplier is the perfect creator to learn from. Get started with these tips:

1) Lean into your authenticity.
If Markiplier is known for one thing, it’s for being authentically himself. Sharing personal stories and anecdotes helps viewers get to know the real you.

2) Focus on building a community.
Markiplier wouldn’t be where he is today without his fans, and he knows it. Showing your audience that you value their time and input helps build a strong community and loyalty among fans.

3) Embrace difficult conversations.
Even though Markiplier's content is often funny, he doesn’t shy away from having difficult conversations. Using your platform to spread awareness on issues close to your heart can not only help foster a connection with your audience but also drive real change.

4) Balance quality with consistency.
Over 12 years on YouTube and 5,000 videos later, Markiplier still loves his job, often uploading multiple times a week. Yet, the quality of his content never suffers. By posting high-quality videos at a regular yet sustainable pace, you, too, can build a loyal fanbase.

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