How This Modern Age Attorney Is Redefining Legal Influencing

The internet has brought us a lot of great things, like BookTok, Rickrolling, and cat video compilations, just to name a few social media genres.

While the internet is home to some of the most entertaining content ever created, it has another benefit many of us take for granted: the democratization of information.

In today’s digital age, anyone can create content online, and we’ve seen more and more subject-matter experts take to platforms like YouTube and TikTok to share their expertise, working to dispel misconceptions and educate audiences en-mass.

Here’s how one attorney has leveraged this trend to help educate audiences and build a personal brand online.

Who is Ugo Lord?

A Loyola University New Orleans College of Law graduate, Lord soon realized that his true passion lay in educating and empowering people beyond the confines of a courtroom, and he found a way to connect with a global audience through social media.

With 6.9M TikTok followers, Ugo Lord has earned himself a couple of titles. Whether you know him as the ‘Modern Age Attorney,’ ‘The TikTok Attorney,’ or ‘that lawyer who reacts to videos of people doing stupid stuff on TikTok,’ Lord’s power is undeniable.


However, TikTok isn’t his first foray into the world of content creation. Back in 2012, Lord launched The Ugo Lord Show on YouTube, which aimed to help viewers ‘learn how to consistently take the best steps forward to help ensure they achieve their greatest potential.’

And it’s fascinating to see how his content has evolved in the decade since. With a background in law and a flair for public speaking, Lord has the perfect blend of experience and personality to go viral online — which is precisely what he did.

From Instagram to TikTok, Lord’s social profiles are filled with legal analysis, motivational content, and practical advice, all neatly delivered in an engaging package. Let’s explore the four pillars that support the strategy behind his success.

1) Personality

Lord is nothing like the stereotypical image of a stiff and overly formal lawyer. Instead, he focuses on being approachable and energetic, fostering a deep connection with his followers.

2) Relevance

Lord ensures his content is timely and relevant to his audience by addressing legal issues in the public eye and reacting to viral videos. He ensures his content is fresh and relevant by staying on top of current discourse!

3) Value

Lord doesn’t just react to the big news stories but to videos capturing everyday injustices and conflicts. By breaking down who is liable in situations, from traffic collisions to returning food in restaurants, he provides real value to his audiences by commenting on situations that they may realistically become involved in. His goal isn’t just to inform—it’s to empower his viewers to take charge of their legal challenges.

4) Positivity

Lord’s positive energy and motivational messaging sets him apart from other lawyers on social media. He positions himself as more than an attorney, working hard to improve people’s lives by championing personal growth and resilience.

What we can learn from Ugo Lord

Lord is far from the only lawyer reacting to content on the internet. But he is one of the most beloved. Here are the most valuable insights into how professionals can adapt to the digital age we’ve gleaned from Lord’s content.

1) Try, try, try again

Few content creators get everything right the first time around. While Lord’s current content style has earned him a loyal following, it wasn’t his first stab at content creation. So, don’t be afraid to experiment until you find a format that works!

2) Break the mold

People will want to put you in a box based on your profession. Don’t let them! Lord breaks the mold of the ‘traditional lawyer’ by embracing his unique personality. Leaning into what makes you "you" will be what sets you apart.

3) Prioritize accessibility

The U.S. legal system is incredibly complex, which is why ordinary people often find themselves in hot water. Lord is working hard to empower people to protect themselves by democratizing important information. Whatever your area of expertise, you’ll have more impact by breaking down complex information in a way accessible to a broader audience.

4) Binge-able content

Lord consistently delivers short reactions to viral clips, which are informative and insanely binge-able. To keep your audience hooked, create content that offers the best of both worlds.

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