Does TikTok Really Boost Your First Video?

The TikTok algorithm is one of the biggest mysteries of 2024.

What type of content does it favor? How long should your videos be? Is it all totally random?

It’s enough to make your head explode!

But there’s one rumor in particular that has had people talking online: TikTok boosts your first video to get you addicted to the platform.

We’re investigating this claim, so keep reading to discover the evidence and our top tips for winning over the TikTok algorithm.

Rumor has it…

If you’ve not heard of this rumor before, we’ll clue you in. Word on the street says that TikTok gives newcomers’ first few videos a boost, pushing them to people’s For You Pages to guarantee high views and impressions.

Why? To get people excited about continuing to use the platform, of course!

Here’s how this process works (apparently):

  1. You make your account
  2. Your first video, or one of your first videos, gets a decent number of views, maybe even thousands
  3. You experience a dopamine boost (a chemical also known as the “feel good” hormone)
  4. You crave that feeling again (posting on social media is widely acknowledged to feed our addiction to dopamine)
  5. You most more
  6. Your next videos see low views
  7. Then, a seemingly random video gets high views, starting the cycle of dopamine chasing all over again.

So, is it true?

Answering this fascinating question means examining both sides of the argument. Here’s how the evidence for and against this rumor stacks up.

First, let’s look at the evidence that supports the rumor:

1) It’s psychologically sound
Whether you believe this tactic is ethical or not is a moot point because it’s rooted in psychology. It’s somewhat similar to the cycle that gets people hooked on slot machines; even if you know your chances of winning are low, the occasional win floods your brain with dopamine, keeping you coming back for more.

2) It makes sense based on TikTok’s goals
Despite launching in 2016, TikTok has experienced exponential growth and is the fifth most-used social network in the world. This strategy not only contextualizes the platform’s growth but aligns with its goal of creating an active creator community. After all, what better way to keep creators loyal than to give them a positive initial experience with your platform?

3) Many wannabe creators report their first videos racking up views
While this evidence is anecdotal at best, it’s still relevant. Countless new TikTok users report seeing high engagement on their first video compared to their later posts.

Now, let’s examine the evidence that challenges the rumor:

1) TikTok hasn’t issued an official confirmation
Until TikTok confirms or denies this rumor once and for all, we can’t confidently say it is true or false.

2) Inconsistent experiences
While many people report experiencing this phenomenon, it is by no means a consistent experience. Some users report getting no views at all on their first few posts, suggesting that either the boost isn’t real or it isn’t applied universally to all accounts.

3) Misattribution of success
Did your first video get a thousand views because the algorithm secretly pushes new videos or because of another factor? There are many reasons a video may gain traction, such as good timing, novelty content, or the video tapping into a trend.


The verified way to go viral

Unfortunately, the best evidence to support this rumor is purely anecdotal. We can’t endorse basing your content strategy on unproven ‘social media hacks,’ but don’t worry — we won’t leave you without any advice on how to boost your content — and maybe even go viral.

Here are five organic ways to grow as a content creator without relying on trying to outsmart a computer algorithm:

  1. Focus on a niche. Rather than trying to appeal to all TikTok users, find a niche that appeals to your tastes. Content niches can range from video gaming to knitting and should reflect your interests, talents, or career.
  2. Use trending sounds. Jumping on trending sounds is a great way to get eyeballs on your content. Users can search for videos using their favorite TikTok sounds, creating alternative avenues for viewers to find your page.
  3. Experiment with TikTok’s features. One of the great things about TikTok is that it offers tons of creative features, from its Stitch feature to unique filters and much more. Have fun with these features, and try out the trends they inspire!
  4. Find the best time to post. More often than not, getting a high number of views comes down to good timing! Explore the best times to post on TikTok and experiment with posting at different times of the day to find a schedule that works best for you.
  5. Put your audience first. No matter your growth goals, you need to consider your audience’s wants and needs when planning your content. Focusing on your loyal audience rather than a fickle algorithm will pay off in the long run.
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