How PewDiePie Survived Every Major Scandal

Creating content on a public forum opens you up to criticism. Whether or not you feel this is fair, it’s a reality all content creators have to face, since having a following means people will have opinions about everything you do, say, and even how you look. It's not always fair, but it's part of being in the public eye.

One person who knows this better than almost anyone is Felix Kjellberg, who you may know better as the YouTuber ‘PewDiePie.’

PewDiePie has experienced his fair share of media scandals in the (almost) two decades he’s been posting on YouTube, but in 2024, his channel is still going strong with over 111m subscribers.

So, why has PewDiePie experienced so much criticism? And what can we learn from the former king of YouTube about weathering media storms? Let’s dive in.


PewDiePie: A very YouTube scandal

Before we talk about how PewDiePie survived getting cancelled so many times, let’s plunge into three memorable times he got caught up in internet drama.

Remember the bridge incident?

What happened? The vast majority of PewDiePie’s scandals have been caused by one thing: Kjellberg getting carried away with his outgoing online persona, often taking an offensive joke too far. While playing a video game on live stream, PewDiePie was caught using the N-word when shooting at an opponent who was crossing a bridge.

Why was he criticized? Fans hadn’t yet forgotten PewDiePie’s most recent controversy — when he’d come under fire for using offensive language online — which doubled the impact of his using racial slurs.

That T-Series diss track

What happened? You may remember that diss tracks were having a moment on YouTube in 2018. At the time, PewDiePie was locked in fierce competition with T-Series, an Indian music label, battling to retain its rank as the most popular YouTube channel. As part of his ‘Subscribe to PewDiePie’ campaign, Kjellberg posted a video titled ‘Bitch Lasagna,’ in which he laid into T-Series, accusing the business of using bots to fake subscriptions.

Why was he criticized? While the diss track was meant to be funny and lean into meme culture, many found it to be racist as the lyrics included anti-Indian slurs and referenced Indian stereotypes.

Posting a meme making fun of addiction

What happened? Kjellberg came under fire again in 2018 after posting a meme on X that seemed to poke fun at Demi Lovato, who had recently been hospitalized due to an overdose.

Why was he criticized? Lovato’s fans, those experiencing addiction, and the media at large criticized Kjellberg for making light of Lovato’s ongoing struggles with addiction. While he hadn’t made the meme, many felt sharing it was in poor taste, considering Lovato was in critical condition at the time.

What can content creators learn from PewDiePie?

Despite his past, PewDiePie is still well respected by his fanbase and the YouTube community. So, how has he survived all these scandals?

1) He built a loyal fanbase
Kjellberg has always made time to engage with his audience, which has paid off. His loyal fanbase usually defends him online and continues to support his content.

2) He owned up to his mistakes
It’s easy to get defensive in the face of criticism, but Kjellberg always takes accountability for his words or actions. He’s published multiple public apologies, acknowledging his mistakes have caused harm.

3) He showed genuine remorse
Unlike other creators, like Logan Paul and Colleen Ballinger, who added fuel to the fire with their apology videos, PewDiePie only rallied support with his. This is partly because his fans, as well as more casual watchers, found his apologies to be genuine.

4) He showed growth
While a genuine apology can go a long way in rebuilding trust, it means little if no change is made. PewDiePie has not only taken responsibility for his mistakes but has shown growth by openly discussing what he’s learned from these incidents and changing his content accordingly.

The moral of the story? Everyone will face criticism from time to time. What’s important is how you handle it.

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