The Ex-Prosecutor Turning Legal Drama into Must-Watch Content

When you imagine a former deputy district attorney, you probably don’t think of a purple-haired, potty-mouthed YouTuber. But that’s precisely who Emily D. Baker is.

Baker is just one of many creators who have ridden the industry professional-to-YouTuber pipeline all the way to success, but few have managed to carve out a niche as distinct as hers.

Today, we’re diving into how this ex-prosecutor found her community on YouTube and built a platform around turning legal drama into must-watch content.

Emily D. Baker is no ordinary content creator: she is best known for her YouTube channel where, in her own words, she breaks down ‘the legal sh*t behind the stories we all want to talk about.’

As of August 2024, her channel has an impressive 785K subscribers – but this isn’t her first foray into the world of content creation. While Baker began posting legal commentary in 2020, she first launched her channel in 2015, when she still worked at the DA’s office, posting tech reviews.

After leaving the DA’s office, Baker began offering legal support to businesses and soon noticed her clients were asking the same questions repeatedly. So, she started her podcast, which doubled as a library of these answers.

What was unique about Baker’s podcast was that she broke down the law in a way that entrepreneurs would understand, often pulling in some pop culture references to help teach those lessons.

And this is how her YouTube channel emerged after spending several years on pause; after a video she created reacting to Kanye West’s leaked recording contracts gained traction, she realized she’d found a niche for herself and never looked back.

How Emily D. Baker changed how people understand the law

Four years later, Baker’s YouTube channel has become the go-to resource for people wanting to understand the truth behind headline stories. From the end of Britney Spears’ conservatorship to the Amber Heard v. Johnny Depp court case, she’s always on top of the stories dominating online discourse.

And this has fundamentally changed the way people consume legal content. By demystifying the legal landscape, she’s invited the public to take a closer look at how the justice system works. Here’s how.

Firstly, Baker speaks from experience. Before she became a YouTube sensation, she prosecuted countless cases, giving her the authority to dissect legal documents, court proceedings, and legal jargon.

However, you only need to tune into her content for a few seconds to realize she doesn’t sound like what one would expect a former prosecutor to be. In fact, she speaks like a normal person! Legal proceedings are often filled with jargon, which leaves the average person unable to understand. Baker translates legal jargon and breaks down legal strategies in a way the general public can understand, ensuring they’re never left in the dark. She even infuses her content with humor, marking her videos with a warmth and candor that keeps people returning for more.

Finally, Baker always keeps her finger on the pulse of online discourse. She goes live several times a month to offer her expert analysis as events unfold in real-time. For regular viewers, watching these lives feels like getting a debrief on the world’s goings-on from your super-knowledgeable friend.

What can creators learn from Emily D. Baker?

Emily D. Baker was far from an overnight success. Instead, her career reflects what creators can achieve when they put in the hard work and lean into their unique interests. Here’s what aspiring creators can learn from the internet’s favorite legal analyst.

1) Find your niche

Finding your niche can take experimentation, as Baker knows well. While she started her creator journey making tech reviews, she later lent into her area of expertise — blending legal commentary with pop culture — and found her community. Our advice? Find your strengths and build your platform around them.

2) Focus on accessibility

As a subject matter expert, Baker has learned to make complex information easy to understand. No matter your level of expertise, it’s essential to tailor your language and approach to keep your content simple, approachable, and relatable.

3) Make your audience part of the conversation

Baker’s community is alive and thriving! She listens to her viewers, answers their questions, and encourages their involvement, which is key to nurturing a loyal audience.

4) Dial up the fun!

Baker proves that even seemingly dry subjects can be turned into compelling content. While you should always respect the people you’re talking about, there’s nothing wrong with injecting humor into your commentary.

5) Build your brand

Baker’s purple hair and tinted glasses are immediately recognizable. So is her unique brand of commentary, which doesn’t shy away from curse words or taboo subjects. The takeaway? Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through.

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