Codemiko: How a Virtual Influencer Reached 920K Followers

Ever heard the term ‘virtual influencer’? Yes, it’s exactly what it sounds like: a virtual influencer is a personality who looks like an influencer, talks like an influencer, and sells you a lifestyle like an influencer but is a computer-generated creation that exists solely within their social media bubble rather than a real person.

But there’s one creator who has taken things a step further. Meet CodeMiko, the world’s most sophisticated virtual streamer.

Who or what is CodeMiko?

The first thing to know is that CodeMiko is not a real person. She’s described by her creator as “kind of an NPC” who exists in a fictional narrative delivered to audiences via the streaming platform Twitch.

On Twitch, Miko streams on Just Chatting, often interviewing other streamers or engaging with the chat. She drops bits of lore along the way, which is how fans know Miko’s backstory, which is that she is a video game character looking for a game to fit into.

But who’s running everything behind the scenes? Known in the Stream narrative as The Technician, Youna Kang is the mind behind the CodeMiko persona. Legend has it she came up with the idea while working at Nickelodeon before pursuing streaming after being laid off during the pandemic. Kang initially managed everything from coding and motion capture to Miko’s social media profiles. Since CodeMiko hit the big time — she now has over 920K followers on Twitch — Kang has brought in a team to help her.

How a virtual creator won a legion of real fans

So, how did CodeMiko become so popular? Like many Twitch creators, Kang didn’t expect to grow so big, so fast.

Her journey to prominence started when clips from her stream began circulating on the Reddit subthread r/LivestreamFail. This led bigger streamers to discover her streams and ‘Raid’ her, meaning they’d send their viewers over to another channel.

That may be what led people to discover her channel, but what made them stay? Well, Miko would often interview these major streamers, with her unique personality converting new viewers into loyal fans.

And it’s this personality that has built the most intrigue around her channel. Kang has created a rich backstory for Miko, with plenty of lore and in-universe characters for viewers to discover, keeping fans coming back for more. While Kang isn’t afraid to break the fourth wall, regularly sharing behind-the-scenes clips of her creating Miko content, her fans are invested in the story.

What can creators learn from CodeMiko?

Whether you want to become a VTuber or grow your vlogging channel, every creator can learn something from CodeMiko. Get ahead with these five takeaways from CodeMiko.

1) Build a distinct personality.
People follow people. While Miko isn’t technically a person, she does have a distinct persona that is unique, a little quirky, and totally memorable — and it’s this that people keep tuning in to see. By building a unique online persona, you can set yourself apart from other creators in your category.

2) Don’t be afraid to innovate with technology.
Miko’s content has gained a lot of attention for how it uses motion capture technology to bring the character to life. By experimenting with new technologies, you, too, can stand out in a crowded market.

3) Leverage your skills.
The creation of Miko was only possible because her creator, Youna Kang, has a background in animation and special effects. If you have specialist skills or a niche interest, why not leverage this to create distinctive content?

4) Consider your world-building. A large part of Miko’s intrigue is the compelling narrative Kang has woven around the character. You can add similar depth to your content by creating an in-channel universe that only your real fans understand the full extent of.

5) Give your audience insider access.
Everyone knows Miko is a fictional character with a puppet master pulling her strings, as Kang often shares behind-the-scenes footage of how she makes her videos. If you want to attempt a similar venture, we suggest letting your audience peek behind the curtain every now and then.

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