How to Get Verified on YouTube: Everything You Need to Know

YouTube verification. Some see it as just a checkmark, but getting verified on YouTube is one more way you can stand out in a sea of creators, showing your audience that, yes: you're legitimate, credible, and here for the long haul.

Think about it: as your channel grows, you want people to trust that you’re the real deal, not just another imitator. That badge builds confidence, helps your content rise above the noise, and opens doors to new opportunities like collaborations and brand partnerships.

This guide is here to help you cut through the confusion of the verification process and show you exactly how to claim that badge, making sure your channel gets the recognition it deserves.

What is YouTube verification?

YouTube verification means that YouTube has confirmed your identity, ensuring your account is authentic.

There are two types of verification:

  1. Basic account verification: Available to all users by verifying their phone number, and unlocking features like the ability to upload videos longer than 15 minutes, create custom thumbnails, and live stream.
  2. Verification badge: For channels with 100,000+ subscribers, this badge signals that a channel is legitimate, offering protection against impersonators and boosting credibility.

Why get verified?

YouTube verification
Jack Black's Verification Badge
  • – Builds trust: The verification badge shows that YouTube acknowledges you as a genuine creator, making your channel appear more trustworthy to viewers.
  • – Protects your identity: It helps prevent impersonators from misleading your audience.
  • – Boosts channel growth: A verified badge can enhance your credibility, potentially increasing views, subscribers, and engagement.

Requirements for YouTube verification

Getting verified on YouTube is not difficult, but before you move forward to the actual YouTube verification process, you need to make sure your channel meets the following requirements:

  • – 100,000+ subscribers: You need at least this many subscribers to apply.
  • – Complete profile: Ensure your channel has a profile picture, banner, and description.
  • – Consistent activity: Your channel must regularly post public content to be considered active.

How to get verified on YouTube: Step-by-step guide

Follow these steps to apply for YouTube verification:

  1. Log in to YouTube Studio: Navigate to the YouTube Studio dashboard.
  2. Go to settings: Click on your profile icon, then select “Settings.”
  3. Select channel status and features: Here, you can check your eligibility for the verification badge.
  4. Fill out the verification form: Provide your channel name, ID, and relevant information to prove your authenticity.
  5. Submit and wait: YouTube will review your request, which could take a few weeks.

Common reasons for verification rejection

While YouTube verification can significantly enhance your channel’s credibility, not every application gets approved. There are several common reasons why a verification request might be rejected, one of which is an incomplete channel.

If your YouTube channel is missing essential elements, such as a profile picture, banner image, or a detailed description, YouTube may view it as incomplete and unprofessional. Channels that lack these features are less likely to be taken seriously during the YouTube verification process. So it's important to make sure that your channel looks polished – with all relevant sections filled out and optimized for your audience.

Another frequent reason for rejection is inactivity. YouTube values creators who consistently upload content and engage with their audience. If your channel hasn’t posted new content in a while or if your uploads are irregular, YouTube may assume that the channel isn’t actively managed, making it less likely to qualify for verification.

Additionally, if your channel engages in any form of misrepresentation—such as impersonating another creator, brand, or public figure—your request will almost certainly be denied. YouTube’s verification process is designed to guarantee authenticity, so channels found to be misleading or violating its terms of service face immediate disqualification. To improve your chances, focus on defining your personal brand rather than copying, and keeping your content consistent, authentic, and within YouTube’s guidelines.

How to build a reputable YouTube channel and increase chances of YouTube verification

Getting verified on YouTube will be even easier if you spend time building a reputable YouTube channel. Beyond the basics already covered, here are some essential tips to strengthen your channel’s reputation and increase your chances of getting the YouTube verification badge.

1. Develop a unique content strategy

Standing out on YouTube requires more than just consistency—it’s about offering something unique. Focus on a niche or develop a style that makes your content instantly recognizable. Whether it’s your editing style, humor, or specific insights into a subject, having a signature approach keeps people coming back and sets you apart from other creators.

2. Engage with your community

Replying to comments, running polls, and creating content based on viewer feedback shows that you care about your audience. Active engagement builds loyalty and trust, which reflects positively on your channel. The stronger your community, the more reputable your channel becomes in the eyes of YouTube.

3. Collaborate with other creators

Collaborations are a great way to introduce your content to a new audience while building credibility. Working with established creators can give your channel a boost and show YouTube that you’re serious about contributing to the platform. Plus, it’s a fun way to mix up your content and grow your channel!

4. Optimize for SEO and discoverability

Great content doesn’t matter if nobody can find it. Focus on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategies by using relevant keywords in your titles, descriptions, and tags. Creating catchy, optimized thumbnails and using engaging video titles can help your content get discovered more easily, improving your visibility on YouTube and strengthening your reputation.

5. Follow YouTube guidelines religiously

Finally, staying within YouTube’s community guidelines is essential. Nothing will tank your chances of verification quicker than strikes for inappropriate content or policy violations. Keep your channel clean, respectful, and in line with YouTube’s standards, ensuring long-term growth and credibility.

Maintaining your verification status

Finally, remember that once verified, it’s important to maintain your status by following YouTube’s community guidelines. Any violations, like spam or impersonation, could result in losing your verification badge.

Some things you definitely want to avoid are:

  1. Engaging in misleading content: Posting false information or content meant to deceive viewers can quickly lead to a violation of YouTube’s policies.
  2. Spamming or using clickbait tactics: Flooding the platform with repetitive or misleading thumbnails, titles, or comments can be flagged as spam, risking your verified status.
  3. Impersonating other creators: Pretending to be another YouTuber or brand is a major violation and can result in immediate consequences, including loss of verification.
  4. Ignoring copyright rules: Using copyrighted material without proper permission or licensing can result in strikes on your account, which could jeopardize your verified badge.
  5. Promoting harmful or inappropriate content: Uploading content that violates YouTube’s policies on hate speech, harassment, or violence could lead to suspension or termination of your verification.
  6. Manipulating engagement metrics: Artificially inflating views, likes, or comments through bots or third-party services can lead to penalties that may include losing your verification status.
  7. Repeated strikes on your channel: Accumulating multiple strikes for any of the above violations can result in the removal of your verified status or even suspension of your channel.

Use Podcastle to Amplify your Content Strategy

Getting verified on YouTube is a solid way to boost your credibility, but creating consistent, high-quality content can be a real grind. Maybe you’re struggling with editing tools that feel clunky or spending way too much time trying to get your audio just right. That’s where Podcastle steps in.

We’ve designed an intuitive platform that simplifies the entire process, whether you’re recording, editing, or publishing. You don’t need to be a tech expert or have expensive equipment to produce studio-quality content. With Podcastle, a few clicks are all it takes to turn raw recordings into polished audio and upscaled videos that stand out. No more hours wasted trying to figure out complex software: our tools are made to get you from start to finish faster, without sacrificing quality.

So, while you’re focused on growing your channel and getting that verification badge, we’re here to make sure your content reaches the level it deserves, effortlessly.


How long does YouTube verification take?

After you apply for verification, it can take a few weeks for YouTube to review your request. They manually check each application to make sure you meet their standards, like having an authentic and active channel that follows all the rules. The timing can vary depending on how many applications they’re processing, so patience is key. Just make sure your channel is polished and ready when you apply for the best chance of getting verified smoothly.

How many subscribers do I need to get verified?

You typically need at least 100,000 subscribers to apply for that verification badge. This milestone shows YouTube that you’ve built a real audience. However, if you have fewer subscribers but are a well-known public figure or brand, you might still have a chance. It all comes down to showing YouTube that you’re a legitimate creator with an engaged community, either on YouTube or across other platforms.

How to get verified on YouTube without 100k subs?

While YouTube usually requires 100,000 subscribers for verification, there are ways around it if you’re a public figure or brand with a strong presence on other platforms. If you’ve built a substantial following on Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok, for example, you can reach out to YouTube and make your case. They’ll want to see that you’re a legitimate figure that people recognize and search for. So, if you’ve got a strong online presence outside of YouTube, it’s worth giving it a shot—just make sure your channel is active and follows all the usual guidelines.

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