Useful Tips on How to Create a Podcast Audiograms

What is an audiogram?

A podcast audiogram is shareable audio or video that consists of an audio waveform, static background, audio voiceover, and transcribed captions. Audiograms are mainly used for promoting podcasts on social media, as podcast listeners are kin to use social media platforms.

It is an effective way to create a digital presence on different media to deliver the podcast content and attack a wider audience at the same time. Unlike static images, which usually get lost in the feeds, audiograms catch the eyes of the scrollers.

The audiogram doesn’t require to open it for playing, it streams automatically, and the viewer needs to click on the image to switch on the sound. The podcasters may put a link in the post so that the viewers can go for the podcast episode and subscribe.

Why should a podcaster create a podcast audiogram?

1. Audiograms will serve as a trailer for your podcast.

Using a podcast audiogram as a trailer will provide an overview of your podcast's essential and most exciting parts and make people more likely to watch them.

2. Audiogram is a perfect way to add visuals to your voice.

As visuals are essential on social media, the audiograms will give podcasters a perfect way to engage the audience visually. Based on OneSpot statistics, 90% of the information the human brain receives visually.

3. Audiograms help you grow faster and engage a broader audience.

It is challenging for podcasters to grow on podcasting platforms without a well-built search engine and recommendation algorithm. Posting a podcast audiogram on social media will give you access to a wider audience and help you to grow faster. Audiograms will provide access to such visually dominated social media platforms as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

4. Audiograms are easy to create.

You shouldn't be a professional sound engineer or a video editor to create an attractive podcast audiogram. You can easily make them with an audio file and a few images. It won't take you long.

5. Audiograms are working.

According to American radio station WNYC, social media posts, including audiograms, get eight times more engagement than those with links and outperform images.

How to create a podcast Audiogram

1. Create a podcast audiogram with the correct rations.

Though each social media platform has different content dimension requirements, the practice has shown that square audiograms take up more space in the audience's feeds when compared with a landscape video. It is more likely that square audiograms will engage more audiences.

 Social Media Platform

Content Dimension 

 Audiogram for Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram feeds

 1080 x 1080px

 Audiogram for Instagram stories, IGTV, and TikTok

 1080 x 1920px

 Audiogram for YouTube

 1920 x 1080px

2. Make your audiograms with subtitles.

It is crucial to add subtitles to your audiograms. Videos with subtitles get 40% more engagement than those without them. If you want your audience to watch your audiogram without volume, you should make your content with subtitles.

3. Add an audio waveform to your podcast audiogram.

An audio waveform is an essential component for any audiogram. The audio waveform is a feature that will stop people from scrolling and standing on your post. An audio waveform will attract the attention of people and will make them more likely to visit your podcast.

4. Make it short and attractive

Your goal for posting a podcast audiogram is to grasp people's attention and attract them. So, it should be short and sweet. Creating the proper cliffhanger with the help of your podcast audiogram is a great way to attract your audience to visit your podcasts to have the full version.

Where can you create your podcast audiograms?

Here are our four applications for creating qualified podcast audiograms.

1. Buzzsprout Visual Soundbites

If you have an account in Buzzsprout, you will have free access to the Visual soundbites featured with Canva integration. You can create a Visual Soundbite under your preferred episode and make it 60 seconds or less. You can nicely customize the look of your audiogram using Canva. Within Canva, it is possible to choose a template, add text, upload a background image and set your dimensions. When you finish with the design, you can edit the color of the audio wave and set its position. You can save the podcast audiogram to your phone or computer and share it on social media platforms.

2. Headliner

The Headliner is an excellent application for podcasters who want to create videos instead of static images. The Headliner provides free options if you intend to generate less than five audiograms a month. Whenever your podcast is uploaded to Apple Podcasts, the Headliner will have its database, which will make it easy to take the audio from any of your podcast episodes. If you are unable to find your podcast, you can enter your RSS link. If you have an account, you will be able to create unlimited podcast audiograms, up to five videos a month, and 10 minutes of transcription for subtitles.

3. Wavve

Wavve is another suitable application for podcast audiogram creation. Wavve fixes its price packages on the length of the video created per month. You can make up to one-minute length video monthly for free. You will have Wavve watermark on your podcast audiograms with an unpaid account. Wavve’s prices start with $10/month, providing 10 minutes of video and removing the watermarks.

4. Auphonic

Almost all podcast audiograms are intended to promote clips of their content, while Auphonic allows you to create podcast audiograms for your entire podcast episode. Their site isn't as advanced as the other options, but they provide a full-featured free plan for two hours of monthly audio.

Podcast audiograms are a helpful way to stand out on social media and attract more traffic to your podcast. You should use them as one of your social media marketing strategies. We hope this guide will simplify how to start creating a qualified podcast audiogram.

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