Best DnD Podcasts in 2024

Dungeons and Dragons is about far more than just, well, dungeons or dragons. The most popular tabletop role-playing game, or TTRPG, of all time, this highly creative game has captured the imaginations of thousands around the world.

And it’s been enjoying a resurgence over the past few years, leading to the creation of many incredible DnD podcasts! From live plays that whisk you away on magic-filled adventures to in-depth discussions of DnD lore, we’ve collated 10 of the best titles for you to explore.

Not sure which of our top pics to start with? Just roll a D10, and let the dice pick for you!

1) Critical Role

Critical Role has to take the first spot on our list because it is the king of DnD podcasts. Amazon even premiered an animated version of the group’s first campaign, Vox Machina, in 2022.

For the uninitiated, Critical Role is an unscripted, collaborative storytelling podcast that follows a group of professional voice actors as they play through DnD campaigns.

The group, guided by Dungeon Master Matthew Mercer, is currently on its third campaign, meaning you have hundreds of episodes to enjoy!

2) The Adventure Zone

This podcast has role-playing. It has comedy. It has family dynamics. And really, what more could you want?

The Adventure Zone is hosted by brothers Justin, Travis, and Griffin and their father, Clint. It follows the family as they role-play using various systems, including Dungeons and Dragons.

Whether you want to listen in as the guys fight eldritch monsters in a fictional ski resort town or embark on a quest in Faerûn, they have multiple campaigns to dive into, including their current adventure, Versus Dracula.

3) Unprepared Casters

It’s no secret that DnD campaigns can be very long. In fact, Critical Role’s Vox Machina spanned three years. If that sounds like too much of a commitment to you, we’re excited to tell you about Unprepared Casters.

One of Unprepared Casters’ biggest selling points (besides its brilliant hosts and fun campaigns) is that you don’t need to catch up. Its arcs are typically no longer than six episodes, with a couple of one-shots thrown in there for good measure.

4) Dimension 20

Not a fan of the idea of dungeons or dragons? Well, they’re not prerequisites to playing DnD, which may surprise newbies.

Dimension 20 is just one podcast that uses the game system in a unique, somewhat modern way. In the pod’s first campaign, Fantasy High, DM Brennan Lee Mulligan guides the crew through an adventure set at Aguefort Adventuring Academy, a training ground for heroes and adventurers. No dungeons. Some dragons. All fun.

5) Dungeons & Daddies

Get your head out of the gutter! Dungeons & Daddies’ first campaign follows four suburban dads as they venture into a fantasy world on a quest to save their kids!

If you think that sounds hilarious, heartwarming, and a bit chaotic, you’d be right. And it’s brilliant! The team has recently kicked off their third campaign, so there’s plenty of material to keep you entertained.

6) Not Another D&D Podcast

If you’re already a fan of Dimension 20, you’ll recognize the names Emily Axford and Brian Murphy. This dynamic duo makes up half of the Not Another D&D Podcast, or NADDPOD, crew alongside friends Caldwell and Jake.

This band of heroes has three campaigns to enjoy, but we suggest starting with their first, The Moonstone Saga; join a human warrior raised by Dwarves, a Halfling Paladin, a Crick Elf Druid, and a crazed opossum on hijinks galore in the realm of Bahumia.

7) DragonTalk

Learn about the behind-the-scenes of your favorite TTRPG straight from the dragon’s mouth with the official DnD podcast, Dragon Talk.

In each episode, hosts Shelly Mazzanoble and Greg Tito sit down with a special guest from the DnD community, discussing how they got into the game, their tips for crafting a brilliant adventure, or their advice for being the best DM your friends have ever played with!

8) Girls Who Don't DnD

While some may argue that the complex rules that govern the DnD system are what makes it so fun, the minds behind Girls Who Don't DnD prove that all you really need is a table, your friends, a pack of dice, and an open mind.

Releasing episodes every month (or thereabouts), this pod sees a Dungeon Master (who owns all the DnD books but has never read them) guide three TTRPG newbies on their ​​adventures in Kalee. This is a great listen for those trying to get to grips with all those complex rules.

9) Mastering Dungeons

For all the wizened DMs among us, do us a favor and make Mastering Dungeons your next listen. Hosted by PRG veterans and game designers Teos Abadía and Shawn Merwin, this podcast covers everything from DnD news to product reviews.

Whether you’re looking to stay up-to-date with RPG news or need tips for your next campaign, you won’t be sorry you tuned in.

10) The Dungeoncast

According to the hosts themselves, The Dungeoncast is a ‘dungeon masterclass in DnD’ (get it?)

In each episode, hosts Will and Brian deep-dive into a specific aspect of DnD lore, from monster mythos to character creation, exploring its common challenges and endless possibilities along the way!

If you want to impress your DM with your encyclopedic knowledge of elemental mephits, need help leveling up your character’s backstory, or are just curious about what makes DnD so popular, add The Dungeoncast to your weekly podcast rotation.

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