Using AI to Create Audio and Video Content

The world of storytelling and content creation has transcended leaps and bounds over the years. From papers and books, we have now reached an era where content can be delivered with the help of technology or Artificial Intelligence—from creating the plot, story, or script—to producing audio and video content from it.

How to use AI to create audio and video content

Content creation using AI does not start and end with creating and generating stories. After creating a story, or a script—either using AI or your own, there are multiple ways one can make use of AI to create audio and video content to make storytelling and content sharing more interactive for audiences no matter the medium.

1) Create podcasts with generative AI

Many streaming platforms have imported a wide catalog of podcasts—from interviews, monologues, co-hosting influencer collaborations, and storytelling formats.

Podcasts have slowly but surely earned their fame as years go by and for a good reason! It feels like your own personal radio-curated content. Hop on to a streaming platform, choose your favorite content, and listen ahead!

Recording a podcast is relatively hard without the proper equipment, however, modern online AI tools allow anyone to make studio-quality podcast recordings. With a simple click of a finger and your laptop or phone on hand, you can do away with expensive, high-end microphones but still, get high-quality podcast recordings.

With AI tools, you can record a podcast by:

- Choosing your podcast platform
- Recording your podcast directly on the platform
- Edit audio recording
- Add special sound effects and enhance your recording
- Download and export the final audio file

2) Create training materials for education with AI text-to-speech

The onset of the pandemic has also significantly changed how education is delivered by teachers and consumed by students. Educators have used video recordings of themselves and their lectures as accessible learning materials for their students even at home.

There are several creative video ideas you can incorporate to make video content engaging, rather than just speaking or telling a story into the camera. These include behind the scene footage, subject matter expert interviews, or inserting interesting short clips.

Businesses that want to include videos of how-to tutorials can also make use of AI tools to record studio-quality audio and video content. What’s more? Many of these AI tools allow a text-to-speech feature and a transcription feature when you want to make your video and audio content more accessible in a different format with a simple click.

John Gardner, Co-Founder & CEO of Kickoff says, “While all our videos are based on live interactions from coaches, we find that AI tools may come helpful in providing quick edits to our videos as well as transcribe them into written text, wherever needed.”

3) Create audiobooks with humanlike AI voices

If you’re not a fan of reading books or simply don’t have the time to, then an audiobook is your best friend. For one, audiobooks are audio recordings of books that you can simply listen to on the road, during a workout, or on the way to work which makes them an efficient alternative to conventional reading.

In fact, there is a consistent annual increase in e-book or audiobook sales in the United States since 2018, with current data showing 191 million e-book sales in 2020, not counting major retailers like Amazon.

Because of this, more and more authors have licensed their works to be converted to audiobooks—and for a very good reason.

1) With the help of AI tools, narrators can record high-quality audiobooks, sprinkle in music and sound effects for more interactive storytelling, and enhance audio quality right on the platform.
2) Not fond of speaking? Most AI platforms feature a text-to-speech feature that creates an audio recording of any text into an audiobook with a few clicks and natural sounding voice skins.

The emergence of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is an all-encompassing term that refers to anything that mimics the human mind with the help of technology, computers, and machines.

From the first AI program invented in 1955 (the Logic Theorist) to mimic the problem-solving skills of humans to the AI we know now that can recognize speech, convert text to speech, and vice versa, aid human’s day-to-day activities to creating poetry, stories, and art, AI has truly changed the way the society operates.

According to Tom Golubovich, Head of Marketing & Media Relations for Ninja Transfers, “Artificial Intelligence has had such a significant impact on our lives even before we actually knew what it was. Our printing machines, for example, the heart and blood of our organization, operate through AI. We cannot deny how much AI has helped businesses automize operations and reduce costs in the long run.”

AI in the creative industry

You may think that AI and art are on opposite sides of the spectrum, but technology has made it possible for content and art to be made using artificial intelligence. Some of them are as follows:

- 3D structures
- Design templates
- Magazine covers
- Paintings
- Realistic images and animations
- Stories and speeches
- Any type of written and audio content

AI, as virtual humans, can also create stories with different options and criteria you can input like title, characters, conflict, genre, and many more. These AI tools pool all these criteria together to make a story, or you can just go ahead and let the AI randomize a story for you as a surprise.

The world of AI and content creation

There is no denying how AI has changed how humans have lived their day-to-day lives. As a tech tool that is meant to mimic human behavior, thoughts, and actions, these artificial intelligence machines and tools have significantly made our lives easier. Who would have even imagined that you can consume your favorite book by listening to it many, many years before today?

With AI-powered recording tools like Podcastle, you can consume stories and content in more than just conventional reading. Convert text to speech, record your own podcasts, or make a video recording for your own business—the possibilities are endless with AI when it comes to creating interactive content for your audience.