Top 5 Podcasts for Startup Founders

When starting a company, you need to have a high pain tolerance as there may be falls and ups. And as a startup founder, it's essential always to keep learning, stay up to date with the latest trends, best cases, and practices. Our picks of best podcasts for startups founders will help you to narrow your view on specific and most important things when building a startup to avoid many mistakes and grow your startup.

Masters of Scale is one of the best podcasts for startups. Hosted by Reid Hoffman, the co-founder of Linkedin and Greylock investor, it is perfect for any startup founder trying to create and build a high-growth company. Masters of Scale podcast features interviews with the experts of the most valuable businesses in the world like Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg from Facebook; Peter Thiel, the co-founder of Paypal, Palantir Technologies, and Founders Fund; Brian Chesky, the co-founder, and CEO of Airbnb, Michael Sebel from Y Combinator and many others. Through episodes and interviews, Reid Hoffman shows listeners how businesses grow from zero to seven-figure companies. The discussions give listeners the opportunity to listen to specific advice and best practices for anyone looking to grow their company. The show touches topic on unlocking teams' creative potential, accelerating expertise, adaptation to changes, mentorship, and many more exciting themes.

The Tim Ferriss show is the first business podcast that passed 100 million downloads and was selected as the "Best Of" in Apple Podcasts for three years in a running. Currently, it's exceeded 700 million downloads. You'll get a ton of great value in his podcast. Ferriss talks with different groups of people from eclectic areas, such as investors, artists, musicians, athletes, businessmen, and offers tips and tricks on successfully building a company.

Business Wars is a unique podcast telling unbiased stories about companies in the form of "battles," such as Nike vs. Adidas, eBay vs Paypal, Coke vs Pepsi, RedBull vs Monster, McDonald vs Burger King, and as they say, it gives the real story behind the scenes of what drives these big companies, brands, and their leaders, inventors, investors and executives to new heights or downs. New episodes are coming out every Monday to Wednesday. Make sure to add it to your list of podcasts for startups.

This podcast is a mix of startup news and stories hosted by Jason Calacanis. It looks into the minds of some of the biggest names in the tech and business industry and brings the most outrageous stories from the startup world with his good humor and his trademark blunk style. This podcast is packed with insightful and motivational interviews with guests like Travis Kalanick, the co-founder and former CEO of Uber; Mark Cuban, an American billionaire entrepreneur, media proprietor, and serial investor; giving valuable advice to aspiring entrepreneurs looking to grow their startup. All episodes are packed with valuable insights. You'll like this podcast for startups, especially if you look beyond the surface of what is being told.

This podcast for startups is filled with high-quality interviews with founders, innovators, and inventors. The host, Guy Raz, dives into the behind-the-scenes stories of best-known companies and toches topics such a how they built some of the most iconic, and successful companies in the world, how they stumbled across those ideas, etc. You will find stories from companies such as Coinbase, Audible, Bobby Brown Cosmetics, Mailchimp, and much more packed in one podcast. How I Built This podcast is perfect for those interested in how the most famous brands and companies got their start as startups and made it to where they are now.
These podcasts for startups will add tremendous value to your everyday routine as a startup founder if you want to stay in the know with the latest startup and overall business headlines.